Chapter Fifteen- The Guardians

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Casper's POV

I picked up the box I'd placed on the work bench and turned off the light before following Austin upstairs. I'd started bringing home the leftovers from the bakery for Jimmy and I'd yet to find anything that the boy wouldn't eat from my shop. 

Jimmy had been with us for just over a week now and he had proven to have a very healthy appetite. I was thrilled to see him putting on weight at a steady pace and the doctor came to check up on him twice.

Bram had informed Austin that he was pregnant and even though he was still in charge of a lot of duties he would begin to let his mate take over gradually until Bram could no longer do anything but care for himself and his pup.

Austin opened the apartment door and we stepped inside. Jimmy slammed the laptop in front of him closed with a guilty red faced expression. "What's going on?" Austin queried stalking across the room to where Jimmy was sitting at the dining table with the laptop. He opened it and hit a button and his eyes widened a fraction of a second before moaning filled the silent room. "Oh God!" Austin snapped the laptop closed.

I walked over to the table chuckling and put the box of leftovers in front of Jimmy. "Don't be embarrassed it's perfectly normal to look at porn but I hope you realize that it's not like that in the real world."

Jimmy blushed again and kept his eyes down while picking at a corner of the box. "I know." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and I subtly brushed my shoulder against Austin. When he looked at me with a raised brow I indicated to the kitchen with my head.

"Why don't you put the computer away while I get dinner started, then you can have what's in the box for desert." I took Austin's hand and led him away to the kitchen.

"What was that about?" He asked me.

"He needed a few minutes of privacy. In case you might have missed the fact that he was watching porn, think about what happens to a healthy teenager when he even thinks about sex," I explained.


"Yes, oh." I opened the refrigerator and bent down to look inside. I'd premade a lasagna earlier in the day and had left it in there ready for the oven. I took it out and placed it on the counter while I heated the oven.

"Should we have a talk with him?" Austin asked.

"You mean the birds and the bees talk?" I asked as I continued getting things ready for dinner. 

"I mean the bees and the bees talk." 

"Huh?" I turned to look at him. He was standing with a hip against the counter and his arms tucked across his chest.

"He wasn't looking at regular guy/girl porn he was looking a gay porn."

"Okay well that will save us having the talk about if he knows his sexuality yet and it also lets us know which talk to have. I must admit I'm a bit relieved because I didn't want to have to go into detail about having sex with a woman." I shuddered and put the lasagna dish in the oven. 

"But why didn't he come to us if he had questions about gay sex?" Austin whispered.

I cocked my head at him and sighed. "He's a teenager I'm sure he was just as embarrassed about the idea of talking to us as you are right now while thinking about it. We'll talk to him and give him a chance to ask anything he wants to but right now I think it would be best to just eat dinner and let him get over what we caught him doing."

"You're right." Austin dropped into a chair and clasped his hands together. He was very quiet even when Jimmy joined us a few minutes later and began setting the table.

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