Chapter Six - Security

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Austin's POV

That bastard Reggie had skipped town. When I'd finally gotten a chance to go to Granger's and inquire about him I'd been informed that he'd quit without notice and hadn't been seen in over a week. I found that fact strange since Casper had seen him only a few days ago. 

I stepped out of my car grabbing my tablet and went around the side of the bakery. I pressed the brand new buzzer that I'd installed and waited for Casper to answer. The speaker crackled and Casper's voice floated out to me. "Hi Austin, I'll be right down to let you in." 

I smiled into the tiny camera above the buzzer button. "See you in a minute." A moment later I heard him jogging down the stairs and then the door was opening. "I brought my tablet with me," I said entering the building and following him up to his apartment. "We can have a look at some of the systems that would work best for both your apartment and the shop. The security system you already have for the bakery is good but it's not state of the art. I want to know that I've protected you to the best of my ability even when I'm not here."

Casper's mouth opened and closed twice before he finally spoke, "how much is that going to cost?"

"It won't cost you anything." I held up my hand to stop his protests. "I'm doing this, I'll supply what's needed and I'll get one of my best teams out here to install everything. Now take a seat and let me show you what we have." Casper frowned at me but sat on the couch with his arms folded across his chest. "I'm sorry I'm not trying to boss you around or take your choices away from you, I just want you safe and my business is security so I'm using what I know to keep you safe."

"I know you're not trying to be controlling like him, I just want you to consult me about things first so I feel like I'm involved in this. I know you're in the security business and I know that you install these systems all the time but that doesn't mean that you know what I want or what's best for me and I would like to pay the costs myself even if it's in installments." 

My mate was stubborn, it was a big turn on. He knew his own mind and he was willing to fight me on it. Even after all he'd been through he still had his spirit and I was proud of him for that. "Why don't I show you what I had planned and you can let me know what you do or don't agree with?" Casper nodded and I turned on my tablet bringing up our business page and showed him what cameras, sensors and alarms I thought he might need. The one thing that I refused to compromise on was the guards I had appointed to watch him. They were pack and they were informed about Maurice though I had kept a lot of things private for Casper's sake. 

"Okay," Casper relented. 

"By the way I've looked into the men who kidnapped Jason. After they were forced to leave our pack they seem to have disappeared for quite some time but they reappeared six months ago, guess where?" 

"Near my old pack?" Casper guessed correctly.

"Yes and they spent a lot of time at a club called Diego's Domain. We managed to get security footage of them meeting with Maurice on four separate occasions. There were other men with Maurice that I was hoping you could identify." I pulled up stills from the footage and showed them to Casper.

"That one is Reggie, the one who approached me at the diner." He pointed to one of the men to the left of Maurice and zoomed in closer. I captured a screenshot of his face and sent a message out to the Guard to be on alert for him. I wanted him alive for questioning. I wanted to know what he knew.

Zooming back out I showed him more pictures. He couldn't identify all of the men but he gave me enough names that I could research. I was about to close the gallery of pictures when he gasped and pointed at a man sitting in the background away from the group of men I'd been concentrating on. He was sitting with someone who had their back to us and he was trying not to look like he was interested in what was happening with Maurice's meeting. "That's the Alpha, that's Adam."

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