Chapter 1

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Edited version 1.0

Hi. My name is Edward Dawson and I am currently 18 years old.

If you asked me about the things I have in my life, I would say none. I have a place to take shelter, I have a family, I have myself but still, it feels like I have nothing. I'm saying this not because I'm not grateful or that I'm one of those people who's always miserable.

In my aspect, life is just too short, too precious to consider it as something bad. What life provides me, I took it on my own will. What little challenge I faced, I went through it with an open heart. What other choices do I have?

As a teenager,  you don't know where your life is headed, or what will happen. At this moment, things like surpassing the difficulty of exams and experiencing your 'first' of everything seems much more important. Then sometimes things turn out for the worst . You think you know everything and have it all planned out. Then again, you're wrong. Dead wrong.

All of sudden, things changed during high school. Like for example, my best friend who I have known my whole entire life, Benjamin, is now a high school jock as in he is one of the football players and let's not forget the fact that his not friends with me anymore. He grew up to be a hot sizzling look alike model and I grew up to be a beautiful monkey. No, not beautiful, just monkey.

But that was not the problem. It is a problem but not as big as next one. 

He is and I promise I've check out all the details...a psychopath. I know, I know...I sound like a drama queen but let's check all the list by going back to the things that his done to me so far cause I know for sure you wouldn't believe.

Let's see...there's this one day where I mustered up the courage and asked him if he wanted to hang out again you know. I was being a stupid tramp and decided maybe we would be able to reconcile our friendship but boy was I wrong. He did not only grow up to be hot. He grows up to be the hottest asshole I've ever seen. He told me to fuck off and make fun of me in front of everyone. Everyone as in his friends. The way he did it though. It seems too much. 

''Hey look, someone has the hot for me." He smirk. 

"You better watch dude, his gonna watch over you're window tonight." Some douche bag said.

"Fuck off faggot. Don't let me hit you on the street with my car." He threatened. 

Okay, maybe that wasn't so bad at all. He just threaten to kill me with his car but you didn't let me finish. That night, I swear of God, I heard something outside my window. It wasn't close so when I went and close it, Ben was standing there. Arm in his pocket. I was scared beyond my life. Not because his there but because of his face. There were no smile...nothing. He looks like he wanted to kill me slowly but at the same time his gonna make me  live through it. It was a good three minutes and God forbid it was the most scariest three minutes in my life. I couldn't say anything. His eyes were so dark I could practically see the holes in it. His not demonic is he?  

From that day forward, I promise myself that I would never wanted to talk to Ben again. Not even if he throw flowers and ask to be my friend again. Cause I would know for sure that, that is not the truth.

There's also this other thing. It's after this incident. I was walking from school. My house is about 15 minutes from the school by walk and If I would've known this to happen, I would have just taken the bus but the things is just so damn packed sometimes. So, I didn't. When I was walking, I heard a car from my back. Funny enough, it's Ben. Driving slowly behind me. Then I recalled his threat about wanting to hit me with his car. I glance behind a little bit and just keep on walking cause I thought I know he wouldn't do that. His not that crazy is what I thought at the moment.

But it didn't help when he keeps roaring his engine as if his gonna hit me anytime soon. My pace became faster and I was so scared for my life. It was so intense I couldn't think of anything else. Imagine his face outside my window the other day except for today, he has a car. 

A big one.

Just then his bumper hit me in the knees causing me to fall on my hands. It didn't hurt but it sure does scared the hell out of me. I pick myself and ran as fast as I could. Still, his car followed behind and what's worse is that I could hear the car engine roar. I was saved when I ran straight into the house, breathless. 

I think I prefer to be dead than having to ever feel like that again.

But this one is the worst. One day, weekend, sunny day, beautiful weather outside, the satan came to my house. You should've seen the look on my face. My mom, who was very ignorant of the situation between me and Ben, invited him in. She still think we're friends. 

But Ben was smiling though. The sign of a psychopath is when a person acts differently in front of other people. He acted so differently with mom. He laugh, he makes jokes, and he even compliment her which is kinda gross but you know what I mean. Why didn't he laugh around me? Why didn't he smile? 

I started to freak out when mom said we could talk inside my room. Woman! How can you let me be?! Trust me, I try my best to go somewhere else but mom just won't have it. It's like his giving Ben the chances to kill me. (Okay that's kind of overreacting). 

When there were just no escape, I let him go to my bedroom, our old fortress. Where we use to hide so that Jafar won't catch us. Where we used to ride our magic carpet to pick up Jasmine for Burger King. We were big fans of Aladdin and I always thought we were that gay version if it. But let's not get too far from the real problem here.

He walks around my room with that calm face and intense aura. He didn't even say anything, just stared. He sat down on the bed. 

"What do you want?" Before I could even filtered anything, the words left my mouth.

I would've known that he would look at me with such darkness. Because he did. I awkwardly play with my hands and avoid eye contact. 

"Come here." He said. I looked at him and his killing face died down a little bit. 

"No thanks. I'm good here."

"You wanna come here or you want me to drag you over here?" He threatened again. At this point, I know for sure that he would exactly that.

I went to bed and sat as the edge. Far enough for me to make a run. 

"Give me your hands." 

What the fuck right?

"Could you just leave?" 

When I refuse to gave him my hands, he gave me those looked again. A look that said he is not a human but, satan. I try to avoid as much eye contact but he just sits there, quiet, looking at me as he reach out his hands towards me. It's awkward, freaky, scary and anything that is just not good. 

I couldn't take the silence anymore so I gave him my hand and when he holds them in his, gently, he brings my hand to his lips and kiss them. My eyes were wide open as my heart beats faster.  What the fuck is going on right?

But after a kiss, it was another kiss and soon, a kiss becomes him...sucking my finger one by one with his other hand shutting my mouth. As I knew it, he was on top of me and I was under him, trapped like a mouse.

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