ı 29 ı Witch Attacks

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"For all the light that I shut out, for all the innocent thing that I've doubt"

THE REST of the school day is a blur, but pretty normal compared to all of the other things I have experienced lately.

Out of all of my classes, art is surprisingly my favourite. I find some peace and quiet during art class, doing something I am actually not too bad at.

"How was school?" Stefan asks me as Elena, Caroline and I walk towards his car. "Blair?"

"It was okay. Nothing too exciting," I say casually.

"Really? Okay then, what was your favourite class?" he asks, trying to get me to talk.

"I don't know," I say, not in the mood for talking. I'm not in the mood for anything actually.

"There has to be a favourite class," Elena says.

"Nope." I shrug my shoulders.

"Not even art?" Stefan asks hopefully. I stop and turn to him, my face plastered with confusion. There it is again- the whole art thing.

"Why does everyone keep bringing up art?" I ask. "Is this your way of telling me to pick up a hobby? Am I that boring?"

"Are you kidding me? You're amazing at art! You make the rest of us in that class look like beginners- like kindergartens trying to impress their parents!" Caroline exclaims. "How are you so good?"

I shrug and continue walking. "I don't know. I've never even really drawn or anything before."

"What do you mean you haven't drawn before? You use to draw all the time when we were little," Stefan says.

I laugh. "Yeah, okay, sure."

Stefan puts his hands on my shoulder, stopping me to face him. "You honestly don't remember?" he asks, his face full of sadness.

"No...what is there to remember? I don't understand what the big deal is. I've never liked art before, you sign me up for the class, and now I like it. Bravo! I found a hobby!" I say.

"It was him, wasn't it?" Stefan asks seriously.

"Who? What are you talking about?" I look around like I'm supposed to be seeing something.

"It explains why you haven't really touched the sketchbook we put in your room. We thought that would've been one of the first things you touched," he says, talking partly to himself.

I smack him on the shoulder to bring him back to reality. "What are you talking about!"

"Klaus. He's the reason you can't remember much of your past, and maybe he's the reason you can't remember what an amazing artist you are," Stefan explains.

The mention of more of my past taken away angers me, a weight dropping in my stomach. Just when I think I'm starting to know most of my past, more is revealed. I can't keep up. It's like running a never ending race that just keeps throwing obstacles at you.

"I liked to draw? Like a lot?" I ask.

"Yeah you did. It was one of your favorite things. For anyone's birthday you would just draw them a picture. Mother used to fill the house with your creations," Stefan says. The mood has suddenly grown really depressing, and it feel like there is this emptiness inside me, like I don't even know who I am.

"Can we just go home?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, let's go," Stefan says, placing a hand on my back to guide me to his car.

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