ı 16 ı The Face from the Past

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"In the pain there is healing, in your name I find meaning"

AS SOON AS the words come out of my mouth I regret them immediately, slightly embarrassed by what I said, but at the same time confused.

He is the face I remember from the day I woke up from being turned. He is the man who had helped me, yet he is the man whose name has always slipped my mind.

Even now as I looked at him I can't remember a thing about him, my mind searching for memories that aren't there.

All I remembered was that he was the kind gentleman from 1864 who had taught me all about being a vampire when I had no one. He made me feel safe, calm and most importantly, he made me not feel alone. The last time I saw him was 145 years ago, yet now he is standing right in front of me.

He has a smile on his face that only grows bigger when I call him Handsome Face, a smile that feels all too familiar.

"Blair, you don't know how long I've been looking for you," he says in a familiar British accent. "Are you okay?" His voice sounds soothing, familiar even but I can't understand why.

He goes to take a step forward causing me to step back, a look of confusion on both our faces.

"I- I don't understand what's going on.," I say, looking over at Damon.

"You don't know who he is?" Damon asks.

I only shake my head, feeling a sense of deja-vu. This is yet the second person within the same day that I cease to remember.

"You- you don't know who I am?" Handsome face asks in disappointment. I just keep disappointing everyone today.

"I recognize you, and I know that you helped me after I turned," I stutter out.

"Is that all you remember?" he asks, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I don't know okay! I've answered this question already! First this guy Elijah tells me today that I'm missing memories and he can help get them back, whatever that means, and then there's you who I know but at the same time don't know at all!" I panic, becoming overwhelmed.

"You saw Elijah today?" Handsome Face asks.

"Yes, well, technically I met him. I hadn't seen the guy before today," I say.

"What do you mean? Of course you've met him before," he says, becoming frustrated. "He said he could help get your memories back? Did he say who took him?" Handsome Face asks. Apparently word of my missing memories is new information for him too.

"Can't ask him now; Stefan killed him," Damon says.

"What do you mean Stefan killed him?" Handsome Face asks.

"I mean as in dead- like stake to the heart dead," Damon says. "What explanation of dead would you like, James?"


"No, you don't get it Damon, he's an Original. He can't die," Handsome Face says.

"Your name is James?" I say, interrupting their argument.

He nods, a small smile on his face at the sound of his name leaving my lips. "Elijah mentioned you, asked if I had told you I was back," I say.

"Are you telling me this so called 'original vampire' can't be killed with a stake? I saw him dead, James. Dead! Grey veins and everything!" Damon continues to argue. I know he's only arguing because he's scared.

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