ı 18 ı Past Mistakes and the New Neighbourhood Face

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"Can't erase, so I'll take blame, but I can't accept that we're estranged"

JAMES WAS RIGHT. Rose only got worse throughout the night. None of us slept due to the moans and growls of a dying woman living under our roof. It's been hard on all of us, especially Damon. I know he actually likes Rose and it tears me apart knowing he's going to be devastated tonight.

Stefan, James and I sit in the kitchen, each holding a cup of coffee in hand as we discuss what to do. A lot as unfolded within the night; apparently Elijah made a surprise appearance at Elena's house last night and the two of them made a deal.

"Elena made a deal with Elijah that if she helps with the plan to take down Klaus that takes place on the next full moon, that he will keep everyone she cares about safe," Stefan explains.

I clear my throat. "Is there a list or..."

Stefan rolls his eyes. "You're included."

"You think we can trust Elijah? That he'll keep up his end of the deal?" I ask.

"Elijah is a noble man," James says. "I trust him. I'm more curious as to how he plans to keep up his end of the deal."

I turn to James, confused. "What do you mean?" I ask. I get the feeling that James knows more about this curse then he's saying. He's been around for a while, he's got to know something.

Damon suddenly comes rushing down the stairs, a bead of sweat lacing his forehead as he grabs a blood bag from the fridge. "She's a lot worse and I don't know what to do. There has to be some cure, something to help-"

"Damon, I'm sorry. If there was a cure I would've heard it by now," James tells him. "I'm sad too Damon. Rose was a friend to me as well."

"Well I'm going to go look for one. If anyone would like to join me, please don't." Damon goes to grab his jacket as Stefan and James stand.

"We'll go with him," Stefan sighs. "Blair can you watch Rose, make sure she's okay. We won't be gone for too long."

"That's not a good idea, Stefan," James objects. "Rose is sick and when she wakes she won't be herself. She's going to have delusions and hallucinations- she's going to be dangerous."

"It's fine," I say. "I can handle her. We'll be okay."

James purses his lips, hesitating. How bad can Rose really get? She's sick and dying.

After a few seconds he finally gives in. "Okay. Call us if you need anything."

I nod and stand quietly by the door as they all leave. I close it, standing there for a few minutes before conjuring up the courage to walk up the steps to Damon's bedroom where Rose lays. Even twenty feet from the bed I can hear her raspy breathing, smell the infection. I wrinkle my nose up and hold back my breath as I approach her.

Her skin is the same colour as the pale white bedsheets, a giant stain of sweat surrounding her body. It's like her body was leaking, slowly losing everything and eventually there will be nothing left to give. I get a sick feeling in my stomach just thinking about it; if James hadn't heard of a cure within his thousand years of existence than I doubt my brothers will find one in the next few hours.

I stand beside her, unsure whether or not I should let her sleep or assist her of anything. "Rose?"

I clear my throat. "Rose?"

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