ı 09 ı There's no Place Like Home

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"Memories of a stolen place caught in the silence, an echo lost in space"

WE BOTH STAND THERE, silent and scared. Out of instinct I flip on the light switch on the wall beside us, illuminating the small motel room to reveal a giant mess. Drawers are opened and laying on the floor with my few items of clothing thrown about. It looks like somebody broke in and trashed the place.

"You saw that too, right?" I ask, referring to the silhouette.

"Yeah," he replies through gritted teeth.

Damon walks over to the window where the silhouette escaped from moments ago and pokes his head out to check. Although I could not see a face, I already know deep down who it was that was here.

"It was Katherine," I say.

Damon turns to me. "What?"

"The silhouette, it was Katherine. She was here to finish me off."

He shakes his head before closing the window. "You can't know for sure, Blair. You didn't see her face. Could've been anyone."

"I compelled myself this motel room. I don't even have anything of value. I have no reason why she would be here or what she was looking for. Maybe she was just trying to scare me. All I know is that it was her, I'm sure of it," I say.

"Nobody will ever know why Katherine Pierce does what she does," Damon says. "It's not worth worrying about, especially after what she did to you. If she wants to get to you, she'll have to go through Stefan and I."

I can't help but smile. "Did Damon Salvatore just say Katherine Pierce isn't worth it? Somebody please, grab a camera so I have proof of this remarkable day-"

"Alright, alright," Damon says. "Pack your things so we can leave this place. I don't know how you stayed in this dirt palace."

"It's not like Mystic Falls has five-star hotels or anything, unless that's changed too," I say.

"Nope. The only thing that hasn't changed in this town is their hatred for vampires and readily stock of bourbon," Damon says.

At the mention of bourbon I'm brought back to all the times Stefan and I would sneak it from father's room. At the time only Damon was old enough to drink it, and secretly I would become jealous of the bond they shared over a small glass of the amber poison.

I finish packing my things into the small tote I got from that boutique before Damon and I head back to his car. He speeds off down the road in a direction that I am unfamiliar with, although just about everything in this town I am unfamiliar with now. Nothing in this town is as it use to be. Everything is modernized, rebuilt or torn down. There are some buildings that I recognize, and some spots in the forest that I know should have buildings there.

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