ı 05 ı The New World

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"I am lost, I am vain, I will never be the same"

A MIXED ARRAY of confusion, anger and frustration fills my body as I attempt to compose myself. I haven't seen Katherine in 145 years, and I promised myself that I would kill her the first chance I got.

Less than five minutes ago, the almighty Katherine Pierce was less than ten feet away from me, yet I was too naïve to take notice, let alone follow through with my promise.

In the mist of all the anger flowing through my body at the moment, there is yet one thing I fail to understand: why didn't Katherine recognize me?

The way she was baffled when I didn't kill her and how she held a vervain needle in her hand were all things I know Katherine would not do. She looked terrified, like she was afraid I was going to hurt her. The Katherine I remember never let anyone make her look weak. Secretly that was something I admired about her.

I'm brought back to the task at hand as I glance up at the starry sky, remembering that I have limited time to find my daylight ring before the sun approaches once again.

As I walk through the muddy forest that smells of morning dew, I force myself to keep my thoughts to a minimum, knowing that thinking too much about Katherine will anger me to the point of breaking. I'm pretty good at keeping all my emotions to myself, except when it comes to anger. Sometimes my anger controls me, and I fear it will someday make me do something I'll regret.

About ten minutes later I find my way to through the forest, wandering into a clearing that holds the ashes of some burnt down building. The more I stand there do I realize this was the battlefield between the council and the vampires. I lay eyes on a tunnel underneath the burnt down building, holding the tomb that I must have been in for the past 145 years.

Just the sight of the tomb again brings chills down my spine, and makes me feel awfully weak, like my legs are made of straws.

The world around me suddenly starts to spin, haunted memories of screams, cries and blazing flames filling my mind, bringing back flashes of that horrid night I was placed in that tomb. That's a night I so desperately want to forget.

I stand there with my hands pressed to my ears as if to block out the screams ringing inside my head. My breathing is heavy and rapid, so I force myself to calm down using a similar technique Handsome Face had taught me on how to control my blood lust. I count back from ten, using each count as a distraction from the horrendous memories.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

At the end of the countdown I open my eyes, finding the strength to walk towards the tomb. Every part of me screams not to go back in there, as it would be awfully tragic if I got trapped in there once again.

♤ [1] An Everlasting Death - The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now