ı 14 ı Reuniting with the Devil

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"I've been cold, I've been merciless, but the blood on my hands scares me to death"

ONE OF THE most impressive things of the 21st century besides cars was the technology. Seeing as my brothers were still sleeping, I decide to set up the phone Damon had given me. Although it seems simple, the buttons and lights become so frustrating that I'm about to give up until Damon walks into the room.

"Whatcha doing?" he asks.

"Oh you know, figuring out the 21st century and stuff." I let out a sigh and go to throw the phone against the wall when suddenly his hand grasps around mine.

"Give it to me." He takes it and fumbles around with a few buttons for a moment before handing it back to me.

"Thanks," I say, scrolling through my list of contacts. It's not a lot, but so far I have a grand total of four people. It still amazes me how in an instant I can be talking to anyone from anywhere in the world by just typing in a few numbers.

I'm brought out of my fit of amazement as I see Damon pouring himself a glass of bourbon instead of the typical cup of coffee. "A little early for that, don't you think?"

"Tell me, Blair, what time does the stomach open?" This causes me to roll my eyes.

"If this is about Katherine, you shouldn't worry. She'll get what's coming to her," I tell him.

He shakes his head before downing the drink. "Oh I know," he says. "There's a masquerade ball tonight and we're going to take her down then. Stefan and I planned it last night, but you're not going to be a part of it."

I become filled with rage like I'm offended. "Like hell I'm not going, she turned me!"

Stefan walks down the stairs to interfere with all the commotion. "I presume you told her?" he looks over at Damon who shrugs.

"You guys are seriously not going to let me go?" I let out a scoff.

Alaric, Jeremy and Caroline walk in the front door, joining us just in time for this argument to reach its peak. "What's going on here?" Caroline asks.

"They're not letting me to go to ball tonight when they plan to kill Katherine!" I exclaim.

"Blair, calm down. You're acting like a child," Damon says.

"It's probably for the best, Blair," Caroline admits quietly. "Don't you think?"

"No! I don't" I flail my arms in the air to express my outrage. I know very well that I'm only proving Damon's point of immaturity, but this is something I won't let stand. "She took away everything from me, stole my life, my brothers and disowned me from my father. I was locked away in a tomb because of her! I want to see her fall."

"And you will," Stefan says. "But not tonight. We just need to capture her, and I promised you I'd protect you from yourself. If you see Katherine tonight Blair, you may do something you'll regret."

"I won't regret killing Katherine," I growl.

"Yeah? Have you ever killed anyone before?" Damon asks.

I stare at him, knowing if I answer I'll only prove his point. I haven't killed anyone before. I just wish they would understand that this is different. This is Katherine we're talking about. The Katherine. I know that deep down the real reason they're keeping me from becoming involved is because they think I'll jeopardize the plan.

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