ı 12 ı Brotherly Bonds

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 "My luck could change. Hope I'm not too late"

I SIT UP rather abruptly with a gasp, staring up at the familiar ceiling of the boarding house.  My widened eyes scan the room around me as I position myself upright on the sofa I'm on, several people coming into view. Damon stands by the fireplace with his back to me; Elena, Caroline and Stefan sit on the couch opposite to me, and Alaric is over by the table getting himself a drink. 

My awakening turns their attention to me, Damon looking at me in an angry manner, while Stefan, Elena and Caroline are concerned; Alaric sips his bourbon with no expression.

"How come Alaric is the only one looking at me normally?" I ask groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"Are you serious right now?" Damon growls, storming from the fireplace towards me. "Do you remember what happened two hours ago?" He narrows his eyes accusingly at me.  

I furrow my brows at his anger before letting my memories sort out the confusion. I recall running into traffic as a last resort to get rid of the voice in my head, to prove to myself that I had not gone mad, when in reality I had worsened my case by killing myself. It's rather stupid now that I think about it, especially since that's the second time in a matter of a few days I've been hit by a car.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Damon yells at me, standing across the living room. 

"Damon, calm-"

"No, let me finish, Stefan," Damon snaps.

Stefan backs down, sending me a warily glare telling me I'm on my own. If anyone can handle Damon's rage, it's me. 

I understand my brother's anger, but at the same time I can't help but notice the voice in my head is no longer here, meaning my solution worked. Looking at Damon now, seeing the fury and fire behind his eyes as he scolds me, I realize I've never really seen him this angry before, or at least not in a long time. This causes me to fear that I've done something horrible, such as hurt someone.

"Do you have any idea how frustrating it was to compel every eye witness that saw you hit the truck? Not to mention the whole entire restaurant. I mean we all had to basically stand by the doors and force everyone to evacuate and compel them on their way out. You are extremely lucky nobody was on vervain," he chastises. 

Damn. I never thought of that. At least nobody else got hurt. That's what I have to keep telling myself at least. 

"I'm sorry," I say, looking Damon in the eye before I turn to everyone else. "Really, I'm sorry, for any problems I caused with my stupid actions."  

Caroline and Elena give me a small smile as Stefan nods, while Alaric raises his glass in acknowledgment. Damon on the other hand doesn't seem satisfied with my apology. 

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