ı 23 ı There are Two Sides to Every Plan

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"Strike the match, we're a perfect match"

"HI JOHN, BYE JOHN," I greet, slamming the door.

He sticks out his hand, preventing me from slamming the door.

"Oh hello, Teasha Pottsman. I wasn't aware that you lived here," John says, walking in.

"Yeah, well I do, and its my house so can you leave please?" I ask, holding the door open.

"Actually, it's my house," Damon says, walking towards us. "And my sister's right. You should leave."

"Ah, she's your sister. Blair Salvatore, I presume. I should've known- you and Damon share the same personality," John says rather bitterly.

"Yeah, my brother and I share a lot of things such as this house," I say, glancing at Damon who rolls his eyes. "And we share a hatred for you. I much preferred the original Jonathan Gilbert back in 1864, and I hated that man too. So I guess you could say you're not welcome here," I say, slamming the door once I realize John isn't going to leave.

"Well, you Salvatore's might want to rethink this hatred for me, since we have a common enemy at the moment."

"Oh yeah? Who?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Elijah. I know how to kill an original," John says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a dagger.

"A dagger?" I ask.

"Good job Detective Salvatore," Damon mocks, as I elbow him in the stomach.

"Wait, why is Elijah the enemy? Isn't he helping us?" I ask.

"He's an original, and therefore cannot be trusted," Damon says.

"Damon, he saved your life and mine. He deserves more than this," I argue, not wanting to kill him when I knew so little about who he really was, and what role he played in my missing memories.

"Blair, you've seen what the man can do. Memories or no memories, when it comes down to killing his own brother, do you really think he'll do it?" Damon asks.

I sigh, not wanting to admit he is right. Although deep down something tells me I can trust Elijah. Part of me knows that James trusts him, thus meaning I should trust him as well. To be honest, I trust Elijah way more than I trust Jonathan Gilbert.

"No," I lie, seeing where my brother was going with this. If I could understand his plan to kill Elijah, then maybe I could stop it as well.

"Great," John says, clapping his hands together. "Now that's settled, take this." He passes the dagger to Damon. "With the ash of the white oak tree used for their creation, the dagger can kill an original if pierced through the heart," John explains.

"Well John, it appears as though you are useful," Damon remarks, taking the dagger.

"Don't feel so special. I'm only doing it for Elena. I'm trusting you to follow through with this Damon," John warns, heading towards the door.

"Thanks for your consideration John," I say as he walks out the door.

I turn around, about ready to let sleep consume me as I make my way up to bed when Damon calls out to me.

"Hey Blair, why does the kitchen smell burnt?" he asks.

"Ahh..," I stutter.

"And why is your sleeve all burnt?" he points out, putting the pieces together.

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