Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

First Year

We managed to get Lockhart all the way to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, Lockhart was sent in first. If we let him go he probably would have told on us. We all walked in slowly after he was pushed in. The ghost of a girl, sixteen or seventeen was sitting in the window sill. And I'm guessing that was Moaning Myrtle, because she was weeping as she glanced out the window. "Oh, it's you," she said when she saw Harry. "What do you want this time?"


"To ask you how you died," Harry responded. I thought she would explode with anger. Instead the opposite happened.  She actually looked flattered at the question and smiled widely.


"Oh it was dreadful," she answered while nodding her head. "It happened right here in this very stall. I was hiding because somebody was teasing me about my glasses, Olivia Hornby, I was crying. Then I heard someone come in and they started speaking funny. A different language, I think it was at least. Anyway what really got me was that it was a boy. So I unlocked the door to tell him to go and use his own toilet...then..." Myrtle paused. "I died."


"How?" Harry asked confused.


"No idea," Myrtle said in a quiet tone. "I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes."


"Where exactly did you see the eyes?"


"Over there," she pointed. "At that sink." We all rushed over to the sink, we still had Lockhart at wand point. I pulled the nozzle, no water came out.


"Say something in Parsletongue!" Ron suggested. We both looked at Harry. I scooted back so that Harry would be the one to do it. He told it to open up, but it came out in English. Harry tried again, it sounded the same to me, but Ron's and Lockhart's eyes widened which meant it came out in Parsletongue. Then the sink started moving, the snakes on the nozzle's twisted out of the way. Where the sink stood was a large hole, big enough for a man to dive into.


"I'm going down there," Harry said.


"Me too," Ron said. "If Ginny's down there, we are going to get her back."


"Um...okay me too," I agreed now very nervous. It was all starting to feel so real but I needed to go. I couldn't stay up here and risk getting caught and sent back to my common room. If there was any chance for the school to remain open, I was going to help.


"Carlie..." Harry started saying.


 "I'm coming," I replied stubbornly without looking at him. "Plus I speak Parsletongue as well, it could help."


"Well, you hardly seem to need me..." Lockhart said hopefully while backing up. We all just pointed our wands at him.


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