Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

First Year

A week has passed since the night I heard that terrifying voice. Luckily, I never heard it again. On the plus side my detention average lessened thanks to all the gifts I got for my birthday. Dasha's hair and makeup spell book saved me from being late most days of the week. Eowyn's gift also saved me from having to loudly whisper across classrooms. Unfortunately there were a few days I got detention and I was always from my favorite teacher. Jake was extremely wrong when he said Snape always favored Slytherins and I was living proof of that. I've become about as equal to a Gryffindor in his class. He seemed to be hating me more and more each day.

The other day in class...didn't go so well. I don't know why  I did it. Snape was the one professor who gave me unnecessary detentions. One time it was because I didn't turn to the page fast enough. The next time was because I turned my head for a second to look at the clock. Snape went out of his way to find minor things to fault me on.  I decided to put Dasha's book to good use during class the other day. When Snape turned his back, I muttered a curling spell under my breath. Quickly you could see Snape's greasy black hair turning into ringlet curls just like Lockhart's.

I wasn't doing it as a prank necessarily, because that would have been pathetic for me. I just needed to practice a few of the harder ones and I wasn't going to test it out on myself. A few students began laughing under their breathes, mostly Eowyn. Dasha didn't seem to find it too funny. "Something funny?" Snape asked coldly turning around. "Would you like to tell me what is going on?" He asked looking at his favorite Slytherin, Christina Hammond, who was biting her lip from laughing.

"Er, your hair sir," she said while obviously trying to keep from laughing. Snape eyed the class dangerously, pausing on me for a second, and then he turned to the mirror by the classroom sink. Danger flashed in his eyes as he turned around. He was walking slowly towards me...crap. How did he know it was me? Time to put on my innocent act and act like I had no idea what was going on.

"Ms. Nyx," Snape sneered coldly. The calmness to his tone was even scarier than his yelling voice.

"Yes?" I asked innocently.

"Do you have something to say?"

"No sir," I said without a sign of guilt on my face. I've perfected lying over the years, or as I prefer to call it, 'acting'.

"Oh really?" Snape asked dangerously and knocked my potions book off the table to reveal the hairstyling book hidden underneath. My eyes widened. Rule number one when pulling pranks, hide all evidence against yourself and put the blame on an enemy. If only I had time to levitate the book over towards Christina... Damn. Missed a great opportunity right there. Snape picked the book up and held it far away from me.  "You can get this back from the Headmaster's office. And you can add another week of detention with Filch," Snape sneered.

He turned around and walked back towards the board, using a spell to put his hair back to normal along the way. Everyone was looking at me. Christina was smirking widely at my punishment while Eowyn looked like she felt sorry for me. Dasha was just giving me that motherly look of disapproval. I let my head fall onto the table and groaned, not another week with Filch! He's making up chores for me to do because I've done everything else so far. At my detention last night he made me ask all the portraits, every single one, if they saw anyone causing trouble.

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