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(A picture of Evangiline I made above.)

"Evangiline I swear to God if you set another-" I cut my brother, Callum, off by setting down another yellow reverse card, smiling evily at him. Callum, my oldest brother, looked at me fuming before starting to pull cards off the top of the deck. He pulled at least 7 cards tell he found a yellow one and slammed it on top of mine. While he did the all around the table where Lizzy, Thomas, and Nick, my very bestest of friends. Some of Callum's friends, aka my adopted brothers, Henry, Jake, and Tucker. Ellen, my adopted mother, and my youngest brother, Max, all began to die of laughter.

"Ha!" He yelled turning to face me,then stuck his tounge out at me like a 5 year old. I stuck my tounge right back at him. My mom sent us a playful glare, and it went to the next person. It was game night at our house like it is every Wensday night. My family and friends all smiling and laughing. It was one of my favorite things to do. After a while of playing, yelling, and laughing, the game had ended and we where saying our good byes. Henry, Jake, and Tucker each gave me a hug and said their goodbyes, then left to the car. Soon after I heard the car drive off. Not long after that Lizzy, Nick, and Thomas said their goodbyes, hugged me, and left. I sighed and helped Ellen clean up, after I started the dishes Cal came in and stated to pester me.

"Vanny." He whined. I just focused on doing the dishes and ignored him.

"Vannnnnyyyy!" He whined louder and longer now. I turned and glared at him.

"What?" I snaped at him, he looked taken back but then a sly smile spreed across his face. He was so fast I didn't have time to react to him coming closer to me. He jabbed his fingers into my side, as i tried to fight back by slapping his shoulder and trying to push him away. I don't know what I was thinking because he was much larger then I was.

"Why didn't you tell me that was your last game?" He asked looking hurt, bringing up last weekends volleyball game. He had a football game later that day and asked me if he could go instead of my game. Yes it was the last game of the season but football for him was way more important then a stupid volleyball game of mine. I knew that, and I supported him no matter how many games he missed. I sighed and looked him in the eyes.

"I know how important football is to you so I decided not to tell you." I said and turned back to the undid dishes. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.

"You should of told me, I would've gone. You always go to my games." He said softly, I knew he would say that, but he needs to play football. It was his way to forget about mom and dad, just like running was mine. I shook my head and looked to the floor.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, and it wasn't important." I said shrugging again. He grabbed my shoulders and I looked him in the eyes again.

"Of corse it was!! Henry said you made the winning spike!!" He said enthusiastically. I rolled my eyes, even tho that was true it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Ya, so?" I asked him raising an eyebrow at him.

"So?!? Thats awesome sis!" He said excited and then it got quite between us.

"We're supposed to stick together, you know. " He whispered to me I smiled and nodded at him. Talking about our parents really upset him. He hugged me and then left for his room. I started up the dishes again. About half an hour later I walked up to my room to do my homework. I can't wait to go to school tomorrow! Note the sarcasm. I felt as if something was waiting for me tomorrow, bad or good, I didn't know.


Authors Note

Heyo!! So how did you like the new prologue??




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