Chapter 25

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This chapter is dedicated to sweetgirl872 ! She has liked every chapter and commented alot! So thank you sweetgirl872 ! This chapter is for you!


I took a spoonful of cereal and put it my mouth. As I watched Jon and Anthony argue in front of me. I was totally calm, which was weird because they were about to kill each other.

I got up and put my bowl into the sink before turning around and leaning against the counter. They hadn't noticed I was staring at them and honestly, I was getting tired of their bickering.

"My god! Do you two ever shut up!" I yelled, as they turned to me wide eyed. I sighed and walked over to Jon wrapping an arm around him.

"You two sound like a married couple and for your in formation Anthony I am the only one who gets to marry Jon." I said as Anthony rolled his eyes, but gave me a sweet smile.

"He's all yours sweet cheeks, good luck. " Anthony said smiling wide and putting his hands up in submision. I smiled at him as I felt Jon tense when Anthony called me sweet cheeks.

"Well I must be going now my mate is gonna wonder were I am." He said softly grabbing his jacket off the back of the chair and walking towards the door. I slipped out of Jons grasp and went over on Anthony, engulfing him in a hug.

"I never got to thank you for getting us out of that car." I said as Jon let out a fierce growl behind us. Anthony nodded to me before exiting, I smiled and stared at the door for a moment.

Then I felt someone come up behind me wrapping their arms around my small frame. The familiar sparks starting up.

"Mine." Jon said while holding me. His nose digging into he crook of my neck. Ever sense he marked me he's been really over protective. I rolled my eyes, turning around and planting a kiss on his nose.

"All yours." I whispered to him softly, he growled and pushed me against the wall. It wasn't hard and the push didn't hurt it just made me feel small compared to Jon, with his massive build hovering over me.

"And I'm all yours." He said softly then smashed our lips together kissing me passionately. I snaked my hands around his neck as he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted. This was our first real make out sesion other then when he marked me. It felt good but also had my stomach in nots. After a moment he pulled away and looked at me with a confused gaze.

"I'm sorry." He stated pulling away from me, my heart sunk. He looked me in the eyes and turned to walk away. I grabbed his arm trying to stop him.

"What for, you didn't do anything and I'm not upset." I said at him, he spun around shoving me into the wall. He leaned over me anger in his eyes and his teeth bared.

"You love him. That's why you felt that way." Jon spat at me, I flinched at his harsh words and gave him a questioning but confused glance.

"You love Andrew. Weither you like it or not he is your mate too and until you reject him or he dies you will always feel that sickness in your heart." Jon said harshly before leaving me in the hallway with a crushed heart. The back door slammed soon after.

I sunk to floor and brought my knees to my chest as I felt my heart smash. Tears ran down my cheeks as sobs escaped my lips,all to soon I felt arms wrap around me. Not big arms but small ones, not the ones I really wanted. I looked up to see Rose, her eyes sad as she stared down at me.

"Did Jon do this?" She asked softly. I nodded slowly and she sighed letting out a few curse words.

"Damn. Well hun the next time I see him it will be my pleasure to whack his balls off for you." She said soothingly. She for some reason made me feel calm, I chuckled but shook my head.

"I guess I asked for it." I said pulling out of her grasp and going into the kitchen. I started cleaning some dirty dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. She followed me and now sat on the counter watching me.

"Why do you say that?" She asked vibrantly like it wouldn't come and bite her in the ass,which it didn't but it stung me. I flinched and she said a quiet sorry.

"We were kissing and this feeling in my stomach ruined the mood." I said and looked up at her, she looked utterly confused.

"I am dreadfully in love with Jon but a small part,and I mean very small part, of me still loves Andrew as well. No offense to your brother in anyway." I said warily, my heart beating faster by the second. I looked over to see her looking at me with sympathy in her eyes.

"You can't help that, he's your mate even if you don't love him like you love Jon he will always be a part of you." She said kindly. I nodded, before looking down at the sink full of hot,soapy water.

"Jon said I should reject Andrew, what does that mean?" I asked looking up at her again, her face was filled with horror. Oh no. Not good.

"It means your letting them go. You don't want them or love them. It means that they wernt good enough for you. It kills lots of werewolves and if it doesn't it makes them go crazy but in your situation dear I think it's your best option." I looked at her wide eyed. She just pretty much gave me permission to ether kill her brother or make him go insane.

"Hun it is ether let him go or make him hurt. Make him pay for something he never needed to pay for. Imagine if you were him, if you watched Jon with someone else. Watched them get married, have kids, be happy while mean while you can't love anyone else. Only him." My heart clutched. She was right it would suck to be Andrew but at the moment he's gone. Ever sense the gathering at the pack house after I got back from being kidnapped.

Again, I really need to stop getting kidnapped. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as the back door slammed closed again. Rose gave me a nod before she headed out the kitchen door.

I took a breath a fallowed her. Jon came down the hallway and was at the foot of the stairs. He glanced at me over his shoulder.

"I'm going to bed." He said with no emotion in his voice. After he was up I let some silient tears fall but walked up the stairs to a guest bedroom considering he probably wanted to be no were near me right now.

I slid into the covers with all my clothes on, for awhile I just stared at the clock. An hour passed by slow,and an ache started in my chest. I felt eyes on me so I looked towards the door and their was Jon.

He wore a pair of sweat pants that hung low on his hips, and no shirt. I looked away knowing he probably didn't want me eyes raping him. I closed my eyes and snuggled deeper into the bed tell I felt arms wrap around me.

I looked over to see Jon, he had crawled into bed with me and pulled me against his chest. His breath sent my hair flying but it felt good.

"I love you Eve." He whispered to me. I smiled at how easy it was form him to vanquish his anger with me.

"I love you too, Jon." I said before drifting off into sleep.

I Have Two Mates, and They're Twins?!? *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now