Chapter 20

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Jonathan had drove us back to the pack house. My skin crawled being here again, but I smiled and carried on seeming as if nothing were wrong and that I didn't see Andrew watching me from across the room. I talked among the pack they all stared at me strangely as if I had two heads or grew a tail myself.

I ignored there funny looks and smiled. After awhile Jon took me by the arm and dragged me upstairs. He took me into a room and shut the door behind us. I turned to look at him but he had my waist in his hands and smashed his lips into mine. Shocks spread across my lips and across my hips from his warm soothing touch.

All my thoughts and worries faded and all I could think about was Jon. The way he smelled, the way he tasted, the way he felt so close to me. I savored every bit of him, of this perfect moment. His hands slid up my shirt and touched my bare back, a shock of warmth ran up and down my spine. I locked my arms around his neck and started to play with his hair, he let out a moan.

Then a loud laugh erupted from down stairs pulling me back to reality. I pulled away from Jon and sat on the bed that was in the center of the room. He had a smug look on his face but in a flash it turned to a look of sympathy.

He walked towards me and opened his arms, sitting on the bed and I melted into him. Tears ran from my eyes as I clung to his shirt, as he stroked my hair and soothed me. A sob itched at my throat but I swallowed it like a nasty pill. After awhile I stopped crying and I just laid into him.

He still held me but never stopped soothing me. I loved him. I knew that the first time I said it. But him being gone, without him, it felt like a hole in my chest. He made me feel whole. He laid back and I went with him, now laying on his chest, his smell surrounded me, he smelled like the earth.

"Eve. I know why you did what you did. But do you?" His voice rang out. A few tears ran down my face and I wiped them away.

"To protect them. My family I mean. Their happy, and they should stay that way." I said softly. My voice cracked and was brittle from crying. I bet my eyes were all red and puffy too.

"Ya. It was partly that but, I think some of the reason is you did it for you." He said as he shifted. I looked up at him, he stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide. I closed my eyes and snuggled into his warmth.

"I guess it was kinda for me." I stated as I saw him turned his head to stare down at me from the corner of my eye.
But I went on. "Jon. They left me. They say they looked for me but I doubt they did. They had another child, they moved on in life. They forgot about my brother and I tell I came back, and bit them in the ass." I stated. He chuckled his chest bouncing up and down as he did. The sound of his laugh just gave me the chills. I sat up an brought my knees to my chest.

"Love, they pestered our pack saying we stole you two. That we hid you some were. That we had their children. For years I thought they were crazy, that they had lost there children or something and couldn't handle the grief. But now I know why they kept looking." He said, he was sitting up now looking at me. I turned my head to stare at him, his eyes were serious as he stroked my cheek with his fingers. "They looked for the most gorgeous, smartest, bravest, kindest girl I have ever met. You were special and they new that. Now I get the chance to know that girl too. But I plan not to brake her, or lose her."

Tears fell onto my cheeks, as he wiped them away with his fingers. I closed my eyes and leaned into his hand, then someone burst through the door. I looked to see my dad, jumping from Jons arms or he pushed me, I really didnt know but I stood a good few feet away from the bed. Anger burned in my fathers eyes, he began attacking Jon teeth bared and everything.

I screamed and ran to the spot were they were trying to rip each other throats out. Then arms wrapped around my waist an pulled me away. I looked up to met the eyes of a stranger, I slammed my fists into the persons arm trying to get away. Someone grabbed that person and threw him off. I turned to see Cal tears filled my vision. I ran into his arms and he embraced me in a hug.

"Eve. We have got to go!" He yelled at me over the loud thuds and crashes around us. I nodded as he took my arm and started to drag me through the house.

"Who brought you here?!?" I yelled back at him over the noise.He looked at me over his shoulder.

"Jon called! He said something had happened and you could need me! Then when I got here everyone was fighting so I came to get you!" He yelled to me as he dragged me out of the house.

God, the next time I see that boy I am going to kiss him. Then I am going to kill him for bringing Cal into this. We got to Cal's car. We climbed in and Cal speed off. I leaned my head against the glass as I felt worry bubble up inside me. Cal looked at me from the drivers side.

"Vanny, you okay? You look kinda upset." He said and I looked at him and mustered up a smile.

"No, no. Im fine." I said and shook my head a little to sell the deal. He nodded and looked put onto the road again. He pulled up to our two story house. I sighed because there was going to be a talking to from the last time I saw mom.

She ran out of the house tears running down her face. She embraced me in a hug. Her embrace shocked me but I hugged back after a few moments. Max ran out of the house laughing. I pulled away from mom and got on my knee waiting for his embrace.

The little guy reminded me of my other brother, my face twisted in pain but I pushed it aside and smiled at him. His little arms wrapped around my neck made me want to cry, I missed this, I missed my family, the one who had game night every Wensday, the one I made. Cal started talking but all I could think about was the family that was given to me, and how fucking screwed up it had just gotten.

Cal rested his hand on my shoulder and gave me a look that said 'Were talking later.' I nodded and fallowed everyone inside but not before I heard a low growl from the surrounding tree lines. I swallowed but kept walking, only a tinsy bit faster.

I Have Two Mates, and They're Twins?!? *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now