Chapter 30

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~Eve's POV~

I looked at Jon. Was he serious.... what am I?!? The hell is that supposed to mean? I looked at my mom who had begun to fiddle with her fingers. She looked nervous and... very pale. What the hell was going on.

"What we are?!? What the hell does that mean?!?" I yelled. Cal nodded with me while my mother looked between us then met Jons harsh gaze.

"The people I work for have been trying to figure that out for years. We don't know exactly." My mother said softly, as I felt my eyes widen. What? Who she works for?

"Your lying!" Jon growled and began to shake, and myy mother flinched at his harsh tone. I put a hand on his chest, and I felt him calm down but he still was stiff. I looked at my mom with sad eyes.

"We know one thing." She said softly. Cal's head snapped to look at her because for the last minute
he has been staring off into space. Jon looked annoyed by her stalling.

"And what might that be?" He snapped. I gently slapped his back, telling him to lay off. He only sent me a growl, and a glare. Oh hell your going to pay for that.

"T-They were m-made by y-your Goddess." She stuttered out, as I felt my eyes widen again. I was what? I looked at Cal who had the same idea. He was pale and his eyes,too, were wide.

Jon looked at me with astonishment on his face, I shook my head. This can't be happening, I can't see ghosts, and I defiantly can't be made by a Goddess it's just impossible. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

'The darkness is coming, and so is your time. I am telling you now, don't give up. Never give up, my sweet, sweet daughter.' I heard that sweet voice again. I jumped out of my skin and started to breath heavily. W-What the hell was that?!? I looked at Cal who looked like he had someone talking to him as well.

"What was it honey?" My mom asked me softly. I looked at her as my body trembled.

"The Moon Goddess. She warned me the darkness was coming? Warning me that I couldn't give up." I said softly. Jon tensed again and grabbed my waist.

"Keep an eye on him." He said pointing a finger at my brother who looked at me with sad eyes. I twisted out of Jons grasp and ran to my brother, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him into a hug.

"I love you Cal." I said softly in his ear ad he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you too, Eve. And I will never stop looking for you." He said and I pulled away giving him a confused look. Before Cal could say anything Jon had grabbed my waist and pulled me out the door. I sighed and let him pull me down the path.

We got into his car and he started down the road. The car was in a heavy silence and I tried to break it once or twice but he just ignored it. I rested my head against the window and let out angry huffs as we drove.

We pulled up to the house and I jumped out slamming the door behind me. Jon yelled at me to come back but I just sent him the bird over my shoulder.

Rose was standing by the door of the kitchen talking to some girl, I didn't care. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her up the stairs.

"Sit." I said practically throwing her in my room and slamming the door shut. I turned to see her staring at me with frightened eyes.

"Eve, what's wrong?" She asked. I sighed and ran a hand over my face. I started saying a run of curse words. Then I fell to my knees and cried. She came and held to me as I sobbed.

I didn't feel sad tho. I just wanted to cry. What did my brother mean he'd look for me? What the hell was going on? I sighed and pulled away from Rose and wiped my cheeks off. God I hated to cry. I sent her a sad smile.

"Something is gonna happen Rose, and I want you and Jon to stay the hell out of it, okay?" I said softly my gaze resting upon her confused face but she nodded trying to understand the words I just said. There was a soft knock at the door and Rose went to open it.

Guess who came strolling in. Cal? Nope guess again. Jon? Nope, one more guess. Andrew? No. He'll no, it had to be my birth parents. They dont this deserve to be my parents not after they left us. No, never again will they get the same respect they had. So that's why I now call them my birth parents.

"Oh Vanny, hun are you okay?" My mom said stepping towards me. Rose got in between them and let out a sharp growl.

"Take another damn step and my foot will be so far up your ass it will come out your throat. And that's a promise." She snarled. My birth parents turned pale but nodded. I internally laughed at them but my face was a brick wall on the out side.

"Mike, Jenny, how can I help you?" My parents looked at me like I had grown three heads. Never have I ever called them by there first names.

"We just wanted to see our little princess." Mike awnsered softly, his blue eyes filled woth pain. I glared at them.

"Does Jon know your here?" I asked. They looked at each other then back at me and shook their head. I stood up from the ground and walked tell I stood in front of them.

"Then I suggest you leave. I know that your trespassing on Jons territory because alphas need to be called when you want to enter a pack so they can give you permission." I stated and they looked at me shocked but proud, but I wasn't done yet.

"Get out. I'm not doing this to save your sorry asses I'm doing it so if Jon comes and sees you he most likely to kill you, and you know what?" I asked in a hiss. My parents looked horrified but Mike tried to regain himself.

"What?" He asked softly. I smirked evily at them and tapped my food on the white carpet.

"I would really be pissed if I had to by a whole, bran new damn carpet." I said clicking my tounge and turning on my heel walking grover to my window. With out looking behind me I motioned Rose to escort them out. When I heard the soft click of the door closing I let out a breath. Damn, that felt good.


Authors Note


Heyo! So we need to talk about three things.

First off
I need a new cover. A few days ago I posted something on my wall. A contest. Send in a cover you make (you can do more then one) and I will choose the top three and I will ask u which one u like best.

Second Off

This is the second to last chapter of this book! Yeeeeee! I know I suck right? But anyway I would like you to comment if you'd like a sequel. If so I have a cover and I will start writing it soon.

Third Off

The charity work and all the clubs I'm in and now I am going on a trip to Washington DC and New York so I will try to update often.

As always,




Love Your CrAzY Author,


I Have Two Mates, and They're Twins?!? *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now