Chapter 9

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~Jonathan's POV~

I was sitting in seventh period and all I could think about was Eve. I called and left her a few messages. I had eighth period with Thomas so I was going to talk to him. When eight period rolled around I sucked in a breath. I entered eighth period and saw him in the corner and he had his hand on his mouth.

Elizabeth, Eve's friend, walked up behind him and read over his shoulder smiling. But it faded as she let out a sob. Everyone even the teacher looked at them. She was sobbing and he clenched and unclenched his jaw.

"Kids what's wrong?" Mr. Grim asked sternly. They looked at him then Elizabeth's gaze shifted over to me. She waved me over and I got up. I took the phone and read the messege. What I read killed me.

"Mr. Daydream, what is it?" The teacher asked clearly frustrated. I looked up at him and swallowed hard.

"Evangeline Striker and her brother Callum Striker were found on the side of the road this morning. Callum is fine but Evangiline is in the intense care unit. All we know now is that she has broken ribs, a broken leg, she has internal bleeding, and she is on air." I said through clenched teeth. Everyone gasped and whispered. I looked up to see our wide eyed English teacher. He gestured me to go on. I nodded.

"Apparently Evangeline's seat belt was broken. She was thrown out the front window as the examiners said after three rolls of the car. It was found up side down. Callum is walking and alright with a few bumps and bruises. We will update as soon as we know more on the teen age tragedy." I said and Mr. Grimm shook his head.

"Poor girl." He said and ran his hand through his hair. I looked over to see Tom and Elizabeth hugging. She cried into him her brown hair bouncing up and down with her heaving chest. I couldn't breath, the world started to turn and rotate out of control. I grabbed a chair for balance. My wolf cried out and whimpered in pain. My mind raced as I thought of how three days ago I saw a smiling, happy, living Eve.

"Okay if you are friends with Mrs. Striker or her brother you can go the hospital." Mr. Grimm said as I grabbed my stuff and headed out. I walked to my car eagerly. I got to the car and slammed my fist into the door. I ran my hands through my hair and set my back on the door.

I sunk to my knees and started to sob. Only Eve could do this to me. My wolf had grown silent and it worried me a little. I got up and stepped into my car. I slammed the door shut and speed off. The radio turned on and it was the news.

"Breaking news on the teenager tragedy from earlier this morning. The young girl has awoken from her coma and is making a fine recovery." I shut it off by slamming my fist into it. I growled and I saw my eyes change color in the rearview mirror. I pulled up to the hospital and parked my car. I ran up the steps and inside to the front desk.

"Sir can I help you?" The nurse said giving me a quizzical look. I smiled at her but I was super ansie. She looked down at some papers. Her hair was up in a bun. My wolf wanted to kick her small little ass. But I held onto my anger because it would not help me in this situation.

"Yes,I am looking for Evangeline Striker?" I said and she looked up at me from her papers.She looked even more puzzled then before. She got the phone out and typed in a number. She talked softly but I couldn't hear her cause my mind was on a question highway. Then that sounded horrible because Eve was found laying on a highway.

"Name please sir?" She said putting her had over the speaker part of the phone. She leaned forward.

"It's Jonathan DayDream." I said as she went wide eyed. The began to whisper in the phone again. She did some nodding but after a few moments I turned around and looked out the window into the forest. The I heard the phone get hung up and I turned on my heels to look at her. She smiled at me.

"Evangeline woke up an hour ago. She's been asking for you." She said and she smiled at me. I smiled back at her and pointed at the door to the intense care part of the hospital.

"Room 208." She said and went back to her papers. I ran down the halls and up two flights of stairs tell I reached the door. I opened it and sucked in a breath. Eve sat there and looked at me smiling. Through all of this she could still smile. She was pale and she was on air. Her eyes were tired but still held her spark. They started to water.

"Hey Jon. I missed you." She said in a choked voice. Her family stared at me. My wolf howled in joy. I smiled and shuffled on my feet.

"Me too Eve." I said as she chuckled at my nick name for her. She reached out to the side no one was on.

"Come here." She said and I obeyed her. I sauntered over to her. She grabbed my hands and yanked them. I crashed into her softly. She hugged me and sobbed into my shoulder. I got on my knees and put my hands on her bare back. Her family left probably to give us privacy. After awhile we pulled apart and she looked me in the eyes.

"Jon a big black wolf got into the middle of the road. It came out of no were and I thought it was to big to be a normal one so I knew it was a were wolf and if it was one of your friends I could never forgive myself so I swerved and hit a dead deer and it flipped the car and made it roll! I am so sorry! I didn't see it after so I bet it's fine. Please don't be mad." She said as she looked at me with her violet eyes. I hugged her as she let out a breath.

"I could never be mad at you." I said as she nuzzled her face into my neck. I let out a breath which I probably was holding this whole time.


Authors Note

Heyo!!! I am sorry it took so long! Hope you like it and love y'all! Comment what you think of the chapter!!! Bye!!

Love Your CRAZY Author,

I Have Two Mates, and They're Twins?!? *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now