Chapter 21

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Today was the first day I had been back to school. Last night I had a stern talking to from my mom, but all in all it went well. I sighed as I drove my car to school. This morning I threw on a black tee with a leather mini skirt and some black combo boots.

I usually didn't wear skirts but today was an exception. Mom said I had to make a good impression on the kids at school cause everyone thinks I've been kidnaped. My mom called the school and told them I'd be there. But I left my phone at the pack house so none of my friends knew.

No one but the principle knows. I hadn't talked to any of my friends sense I left. I pulled up to the school and parked, grabbed my bag and walked towards the front of the school. People watched me, they whispered to each other. I just ignored them and kept walking.

"Vanny!" I heard someone scream. I turned to see Lizzy,Tom,and Nick run towards me. I smiled as they attacked me in a hug, I coughed from my lack of air. They pulled away and slammed me with questions.

Then they stopped glared at something behind me and tried to drag me into the school. I turned to see Jon, he looked around then his eyes landed on me, his lips pressed in a line. Tears filled my vision, I ran towards him and now more people whispered.

He opened his arms and I landed in them. He swung me around as I clung to him then I pulled away just enough so that our chests still touched. He smiled and then smashed his lips into mine.

I smiled against his soft, warm lips. We pulled apart to see everybody staring at us. Their mouths hanging open and their eye filled with shock, he rested his forehead against mine.

"My Luna." He whispered and it sounded as if he was out of breath. His eyes closed so he didn't see me shiver from his words. I smiled trying to choke down tears.

"My Alpha." I said softly, his eyes immediately flashed open and he stared at me. This rumble in his chest started which sent shivers down my spine again. He had this sexy twinkle in his eyes.

He pulled us apart and intertwined our fingers.  We walked towards my friends, and they stared at our intertwined hands for awhile till I cleared my throat and they looked at us. Clearly glassy eyed.

"You guys remember Jon." I said pointing at him. He spread a big grin across his perfect face, his perfect white, teeth showing. He wore a tight grey v-neck t-shirt that showed off his chest. With that he wore black jeans and some boots.

I looked over my shoulder to see his bike parked in the parking lot, also a group of girls staring at him. I smiled glaring at the girls around us showing them he was mine. Most of them looked confused and some shrunk back in fear.

That was big for me because I never threaten anyone but I felt as if I had to, but at the same time it felt good to have power. Jon gave each of my friends a friendly nod.

"So, hot new boyfriend, Vanny! Can I touch your arm? " Lizzy asked almost a second after Jon had said hello I shot her a glare but she brushed it off, and stared at him. God. My friends, cant they learn some damn manners?

"Sure." He said, Jon squeezed my fingers a little telling me it was okay, and sent me a wink as she walked over and touched his arm. She smiled and walked over to me. "Thats a hunk of meat right there, I'd take a piece of that cake any day." She whispered as I started to blush and she burst out laughing. The boys hadn't noticed because they where glaring at each other but once Lizzy started to laugh they looked at us puzzled, well all except Jon.

"And you, were have you been the past week shes been gone?" Nick asked in a harsh tone. I groaned annoyed by my friends. Really? Come on bro I have seen a lot of shit in this past week, and I don't need you two to start trying to kill each other. But Jon looked unaffected by his question.

"Looking for Eve. My dad is a park ranger, so me and him went out to look for her." He said strongly showing that Nick didn't bother him. Nick shot daggers at him, his lips were in a line telling me he was pissed just wasn't showing it yet.

"The police said you were the one taking her out of the hospital." He said getting closer to Jon, trying to show dominance. Jon of corse was a few inches taller then him and looked down upon Nick. Anger flared in his gold eyes, I don't think he likes being accused of hurting me. He had let go of my hand and had his fists at his sides.

"I was trying to help. She was kidnaped from us after the hospital." He said in a rugged voice, his gold eyes held anger but never broke Nicks gaze. My best friends eyes burned with rage.

"You barely new her but you stayed three days with her at the hospitle. Does that not seem suspicious to you? I just never thought you'd kidnap her!" He yelled at Jon. Jon tensed and took a step towards him, I rested my hand on his bisep. He looked at me, the anger in his eyes started to fade.

Nick grabbed my other arm and yanked us apart then started to drag me away. Lizzy and Tom staring wide eyed at us. Jon looked momenterly confussed watching us for a few moments them he snapped out of it. He looked pissed and came towards us, gave him the 'Just a Second' look before we turned a corner and he was out of my sight. 

Nick saw no one around and tossed my wrist away as if touching me disgusted him. I grabbed my wrist and hugged it to my chest.

"Why are you two all over each other?!?" Nick screamed at me after a moment of silence between us, he shot daggers at me. I winced from his harsh tone, then shot him a nice, cold glare.

"Maybe because for once in my life I found a boy who loves me." I said in a choked voice. Tears in my eyes as memories flashed through my head. He still glared at me, he took a hefty step forward and leaned close to me.

"He doesn't love you Vanny. Im mean any one could but not him." He said in a soft hushed voice. I stared at him.

"And why's that, Nick?" I snapped at him, how could judge Jon before even knowing him?!?

"He said like every other prickly in the world Vanny! He's just using you!" He snapped at me, I stared at him in bewilderment. He reached out and softly touched my wrist. "I really thought you where smarter then this." He snapped his hand away again and stalked off. A few seconds later Jon flew around the corner, my other friends not far behind him.

He held me close but I didn't cry I just stood their. In his arms, with my eyes open, with a thousand thoights running through my head.

I didn't want to go to class tho. I wanted to stay in his arms and have his familiar sent surround me. Nick would never be right. Jon was a good man, and he loved me, didn't he say that after all...


Authors Note

Heyo! Sorry it took so long to update! And poor Eve. Was she meant to be loved or is her life just wanting to bring her pain? Her best friend just insulted her, Her family pretty much abandoned her, and her Aunt, who loves her, really isn't her Aunt....

So who is she? Hmmm.... Well I hope you like this chapter! Keep reading and don't forget! Comment! Share! And Of Corse Like each and every chapter! (That helps me know Im doing a good job :D)

So someone asked what does Vanny look like. Well above, at the begging of the chapter, is a pic that is what I imagine her as. Is that how you imagined her too? I found this picture on google so no I do not own it. :(

Love Your CrAzY Author,

ClaryFray4372 :P

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