My girl

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'Where did you get these from?!' she asked, delighted. The bouquet of baby blue lillies was unbelievably large. The sweet smell emitting from them filled her nostrils. 'Thankyou so much, they're beautiful' she said. 'Not as beautiful as you' a voice spoke.

She moved the flowers, gally standing before her. He was smiling, that pure smile, pure happiness. They were in a white room, once again, the bed she once lay in to the left of her.
'You look happy' she said, without thinking.

'That's cause I am. Even with all the shit we've been through and all the people we've lost, I'm happy when I'm with you' he replied. 'I love you. You know that right?'

Suddenly she was in the bed again. She turned, to see the body with the mechanical bird tattoo on the back of his broad shoulder. He turned.

It was gally.

A different scene. 'Gally?' she whispered, a tinge of fear in her voice. Thee dark hospital-like room silent, apart from the occasional beeping. It was dark, but the motion sensory lights detected her and turned themselves on. 

She just hoped nobody would find her and drag her away like they did gally.

She saw him. Lying in a bed, wires attatched to him, a machine beeping.

'Gally!' she ran over to him, shaking him gently, praying to god he'd wake up. They could both get out of here, all three of them, Thomas and gally and her, they could survive out there alone she knew it. Gallys eyes fluttered open, looking right at her. He looked dazed, but still as beautiful as ever. 'Gally! Oh my god I thought you were dead' she sobbed, cuddling into him.

But he didn't cuddle back. She sat up, looking at him.

He looked confused.

That glimmer in his eye that he usually had when he looked at Lythia wasn't there.

'Gally?' she questioned.

'Who are you?' He replied, his eyebrows furrowed.

'Gally?!' she screamed, her eyes widening.

Gally was there, with her in the room they both fell asleep in, his muscled back  facing her.

A mechanical bird tattoo on his left shoulder.

'Whats wrong?' He asked, spinning around. Lythia collapsed into him, just like in the dream, and thanking everything that he remembered her this time.

'What's wrong?' He repeated, his hand stroking her hair. 

'stop shaking lythia, what happened? what did you remember?'

 She sighed. She wasn't sure if she could tell him this, she still hadn't told him about the first time she seen him in her dreams, she wondered how he would handle it.

But Gally sensed it. The way she looked at him, different, yet the same, that extra shine in her face, and he was thankful for it.

'its us isn't it?' He asked, yet more of him stating a fact.

Lythia nodded her head, not so sure what to think of his prediction.

'then tell me. Come on,  promise I wont freak out, believe me' he huffed.

little did Lythia know, what she was about to tell him was already fresh in Gallys mind.

'I.. I think we were together.. Before all of this' she stuttered. He didn't seem as shocked as Lythia thought, more relieved. She wondered if he'd believe her, or just laugh att her and tell her shes still asleep. She wasn't so sure if she wishes she still was.

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