The cliff

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The Grievers were completely blocking the path- having to go back on themselves was the only way.

She looked at Gally, her chest frantically rising and collapsing, all sorts of fears stabbing her.

She was still crying, as gally grabbed her again and they ran back the way they came.

He pulled her down a different way, a way they hadn't been- they didn't think. It was a long runway leading straight to another turn off.

Clanking again. Two Grievers, as ugly as the last, turned that corner, and came bounding straight toward them both, at the end of the narrow path. They tried to turn back, but the three monsters from before were scuttling toward them.

They were trapped.

Like a lamb in a lion den.

There was no way to get past these things. If they went under, they'd get stood on, get stung before they could even reach safety.

 They were impossible to go over,   especially when there was more than one.

Lythia thought to herself. all that running for this?

'We're not gonna die tonight'. Gallys words played on and on through her head but it was clear that this was their fate. She was hyperventilating, the gap between them and the  five Grievers getting smaller. They were now back to back, watching as they stormed toward them.

Gally stepped in front of  Lythia.

'You need to do exactly as I say' he looked her dead in the eyes, as she seen a glimmer of hope pass through them. He hated seeing her so scared and he knew he had to be the one to change it.

 'I need you to get their attention. Make them angry' he nodded at the two killing machines which were a lot closer. 
She pondered for a second, was he telling her to kill herself? he had a deathwish, surely.
'Gally I'll di-'
'do you trust me?' He shouted over the clanking of the machines. 

She did. And she didn't know why.

'Yes' she replied.

'Then do it. Don't move until I tell you to.'

They stood back to back again, the Grievers uncomfortably close.

'HEY! COMEON! YOU PIECE OF KLUNK' Gally shouted toward the three in his end. Lythia copied his taunts.

'COME ON! COME ON COME GET US YA BIG DUMMIES!' She shouted toward the two.

They got faster, and Lythia was seriously doubting Gallys plans at that moment.

 'YOU SHUCKING ASSHOLES!' his deep voice boomed.

' COME ON' Lythia  cried.

They all made a noise in sync which over powered the clanking of their weapons, a shrieking noise which bounced off the walls and stung Lythias ears.

They needed to go, these Grievers were too close for survival.

'Not yet.' Gally whispered, as if reading her mind.

 Lythia looked up as the two Grievers got closer and closer, wondering why the hell she and Gally still stood there.

'NOW' he shouted, once the Grievers were close enough to extend her arm and touch them, he , dragged her his way, and they ran right beneath the three Grievers, Lythia slipping slightly, gallys strong arms holding her up,  the sounds of crashing coming from behind them.

 She looked back, the smoky mess of the 5 Grievers making her gasp. They had collided, but they were not dead. They twitched and moved, carefully standing back up on shaky metal legs, slowly moving each part of themselves.

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