Some place

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Smutty smut shit alert. Don't skip this chapter though. I'll note in bold when the smut is beginning and when its finished. It's only light smut cause y'all know I cant stand it. so there's not too much detail or nasty words

'Come with me' he said, grabbing Lythias hand. He walked her up 2 flights of stairs, past the showers. She had never thought of venturing further than the showers; venturing seemed to get her into trouble. 'Where are you taking me?' she asked, her voice echoing off the walls. 'Some place' he replied, his voice lower than usual.

They came to a door, then gally crouched down to the lock, pulling an item from his pocket, shoving it into the lock. He twisted it a few times, turning the handle as it opened. He grabbed her hand again, as they walked in, closing it behind them. He looked at her, hesitantly slowly backing her against the door, his hands on her shoulders. Their noses touched as she tip toed, his lips pressing to hers again. 

Yo its here

Those lips. He had her on a string.The feeling she got just from the simple connection of their lips was huge. Those hands gripping her tiny waist, a small squeeze every now and again. The warmth of his left hand left her body, triggering a click of the lock on the door behind her. His lips latched to her neck, down to he collar bone, his body bending down as he clutched the outsides of her thighs, pulling her up onto him. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders as his lips returned to hers. He switched to her neck again, her eyes opening to see the room they were in.

There was a bed, in the middle, and a small window with the curtains drawn. A table at with a lamp stood at the opposite side of the room. It was a small room, but she didn't have time to survey any more of it because the pleasure of Gallys hands squeezing her thighs forced her eyes closed again.

He laid her down on the bed, crawling between her legs. Her hands travelled up his shirt, as she felt his abs tense below her touch. He pulled off his shirt, his body looking even more toned and broad than ever before. She wanted this, more than anything.  She felt her trousers loosening, gally slowly pulling off her top. He kissed down her neck again, down her cleavage, her legs tensing. 'Should we be doing this?' she asked. 'In here?'

He looked at her. 'No. Not really. But as long as you're not too loud nobody will notice' he replied, returning his lips to her skin.

His voice made Lythias stomach flutter. It didn't help that he was currently pulling her trousers off. He stopped, unbuttoning his own and throwing them across the room.

'You're beautiful you know' he said, slipping the strap on her bra down her arm. Her fingers trailed down his stomach, feeling him. His jaw clenched, and she pushed his chest lightly, as he kneeled above her. She  pushed down his boxers, revealing just how much he wanted her. He threw off his boxes, pulling her bra down my body by the cups. His fingers hooked beneath the waistband of her underwear, as she kicked it off. 

She'd never expected to feel this comfortable being fully naked in front of him.

'You're sure you want to do this?' He asked her. 

'Yes' she replied, goosebumps travelling across her skin. She  hooked her arms around his so that her hands were on his shoulders behind. His lips came to hers again.

Smut is over, thank FUCK, writing that was more torture to me than pulling my eyeball out with a fork and sprinking salt in the socket whilst screaming the theme tune of the rugrats down my ear.


He lay next to her, studying her face. He was slightly sweaty, as she was.The covers were draped over their bodies, legs entangled. Though they never spoke it, everything felt so familiar to the two of them.  It's like they were connected. She moved into him so that their bodies were close again, his arms closing around her. Shefelt safe. They just laid there for a while, just enjoying the moment.

She wished she could feel this way all the time. Happy. Worry free. Safe. Like a normal life.

'You okay?' He asked.


I didn't hurt you did I?' He asked, his fingers tracing patterns on Lythias lower back. 

'Not really. A little bit, but I guess it's normal...' she told him.

'That wasn't your first time was it?' He asked, sounding as if he already knew the answer.

It was a good question to Lythia really. She couldn't even remember. But something told her it wasn't. 

  'I don't think so.. It would of hurt more. Was it yours?' she asked. 'No. I often have thoughts back to times.. My first time was a long time ago. I don't know who with. Al I know is that I had a lot of sex before I came in here. I know that.' He explained.

Her eyes widened at his words. 'Well you can have a lot more in here' she said, her voice cracking to laugh. 

'As long as it's only with you I'm happy about that' he said, his fingers brushing against her jaw. 'I'm not turning gay any time soon' he laughed.

He laughed. Gally smiled.

It was the first time lythia had ever seen him smile. And it was a pure smile.

'I really really like you Lythia' he said, pushing her hair away from her face. 'A lot.'

  Her heart melted, yet again. 'I like you too gally.' she replied, kissing his plumped lips. Maybe the glade won't be that bad after all.

I'm so shit at this ok sorry, love stories are supposed to be unrealistic tho innit, if this was to happen in real life I'd probably have thrown up by now and headbutted him several times on accident. keep it as unrealistic as my chances of succeeding at life. that's the spirit!

I also just wanna say sorry for the lack of updates, my life hasn't been totally great this past month, with my personal problems, and family problems. Its been a bit hectic as we've had a lot of family members in hospital n stuff n I know its bad but I completely forgot about this. so if you're still here, then thanks n I hope you enjoy the rest of my cringey story :) also apologising for any third/first person mistakes as I had to re write this story and forgot to erase some parts.

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