We need you

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I was writing this on my notes and I CUT THE WHILE FKN CHAPTER I NEARLY PISSED then I realised you can shake the phone and undo it and my heart exploded

'You're all gonna die'

Albys words ran through Lythias head over and over as the Grievers smashed through the only part of the wall that they had time to build.

'LYTHIA.' Gallys voice was blurred as one of the Grievers speared its weapon through a gladers body, like a skewer on a pepper.

'Oh fuck' Gally sighed, as she felt herself being lifted from the ground, her eyes still on the chaos of the many gladers that hadn't been quick enough to hide being brutally murdered by the Grievers. 

She was set down in the pit, where Thomas, newt and Minho stood, knives and makeshift weapons at the ready. Her brain still wasn't processing, as she stood at the far wall, the same scenes unfolding through the window.

'Bloody hell, what's happenin'?!' Newt panicked, a 6 inch knife in his grip. Not like that would stop anything.

'Everyone's dying' Minho mumbled, staring out the doorway, a spear clutched to his side.

'We're all gonna die' Lythia said, speaking out the words alby had warned before his death. Alby had a painful death but any thing was better than this.

'We're all gonna die' she squeaked, hot tears already strolling down her cheeks. 'No.' Gally appeared infront of her again, blocking out the view from the barred window. 'No we aren't.' He grabbed her face, and nobody even noticed, everyone was too busy getting ready to go to war.

'You are not gonna die. I won't let you. I value your life a thousand times more than my own- if you think any of us are gonna let you die think again.' Lythia felt her bottom lip trembling uncontrollably. 'We are not dying' he repeated, the pad of his thumb wiping away a tear from her cheek. She started to speak, she was about to tell him that it was all over, but he interrupted her.

'Remember. Things have to go backwards before they can go forward.' He sternly told her, his hand trailing further past her cheek, to where her arrow tattoo sat.

She nodded, but couldn't stop the tears, she knew that not all of them were gonna make it out alive, even if she did, she didn't want to be there if nobody else would be.

'I love you' She barely whispered.

'I love you too.'

She pushed away the thought of kissing him, what with the situation they were in, but this could be her last time seeing him alive, as much as she hated the concept of the idea, which caused whimpers to escape her lips. He'd already thought ahead, his lips already on hers, lingering a little before pulling away. 'Stay back and stay close' he warned, making his way back to the doorway, standing guard.

We're not gonna die.' Even though the confidence in his voice was adamant, Lythia knew by the way he kissed her that he doubted his words.

The sound of death seemed to block out around her. Had she gone deaf?

She looked around, but there was no sound. The faces of the boys went blurry, as she tumbled backward to the wall, unable to keep her balance. A nauseous feeling rose up her gullet, as she swallowed hard, the only sound she could hear was her own heart beat; rapidly decreasing every second. 'I don't feel so good' she voiced, but she wasn't sure wether she even spoke it out loud, or if she'd just said it in her head.

She felt her knees graze against the floor. Sound started to come back, but her eyes were heavy and black dots appeared in her vision. 'No no no not now not now!' Thomas' voice begged, as his arms held her up.

'Thomas' she managed to croak out.

'Please Lythia we need you'



Her eyes. She couldn't open her eyes. Or move her head. Any part of her body for that matter. Her voice wouldn't even work.

'Are you sure that had to happen?' An unfamiliar female voice came from close to her. 'Of course. They would of ruined everything' a deep male voice replied.

'But people died. For no good reason.' She sounded gentle, concerned.

'Because of their stupidity. The blame is on them. If they kept their little mouths shut and their thoughts to themselves none of this would have happened.' He explained.

'Don't you feel any remorse?' She asked.

'Remorse? You understand nothing. You can't feel remorse in this world anymore.' He snapped. Footsteps. Silence.

This wasn't a dream. She was too wary for it to be a dream. She tried her hardest to move, to scream to beg for help but her limbs wouldn't co-operate with her brain. She stayed like this for quite some time, the pressure of trying to move starting to aggravate her, make her panic.

She was left with her thoughts, wondering if this was death, hoping she was still in the glade, thinking of Gally and wanting him to be right next to her, where Thomas was, why she couldn't move, that she hoped it didn't last forever, thinking maybe she was comatose, a vegetable, maybe she wasn't even... there. maybe she was just a brain, or a floating head, a gust of consciousness. It was all driving the poor girl insane.

Time passed as she filled her wild imagination full of possibilities and concerns, until her eyes finally began to lift after what felt like hours of trying. She was blinking, as a bright light invaded her Iris's.

Was this heaven? she was sure she was dead.

Nope. She adjusted, the rest of her body still unable to move. She found she was laying down. Her  eyes darted to the corners of her sockets, only to see a white ceiling with bright lights, and white walls. It smelt clinical. She was able to move her mouth now, but no voice would still erupt from it. Gradually the feeling of her body arrived and she finally lifted her arms and legs. Her neck cracked as soon as she moved it.

She sat up, feeling weak as she finished scanning her whereabouts.

A white room.

Just like in the dreams.

She was in a white bed, behind her was a table full of syringes and clinical equipment. She'd guess she was in a hospital, only it was too quiet and cold.. Too eerie.She tried to stand, her legs wobbling beneath the weight of her body, as she fell back down onto the bed. She tried again, now aware of her failing muscles, as she walked around the room, feeling them getting stronger, though they pained as if she'd done a 24 hour workout. Her head was ringing, like she'd slept for 6 years but never really got any sleep.

How long had she been here?

She looked down to see she was wearing a set of clean clothes, but still the same as the ones she had wore in the glade. The floor was [pristine white tiles, and her feet lead her cautiously to the metal door.

A small window, about the size of her fist, was embedded there, as she stood on her tip toes to see through. A head was there, turned the opposite way, as if on guard. Her brain was tired but she knew enough to tell her that she couldn't just walk out of there.

But she had to find Gally.

Scanning her surroundings once again, she walked to the table with the syringes. A blue liquid filled the 4 that lay there. Next to those were useless looking items, none of them good enough to use for a weapon. The syringes were worth a try. She picked them up, shoving 3 Into her pocket and hiding the other one up her sleeve.

She took a breath, as she walked toward the door.

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