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She focused on his features from his profile, as he looked up at the sky. She thought he was just as perfect, his jawline still littered with stubble, clear skin beneath. She could tell his eyes were getting heavy, but she just didn't want him to fall asleep yet, she wanted to savour this moment.

She wondered her self what she looked like from the side. Not having any mirrors in this place had its cons and pros. She didn't have to worry about her looks but then again she didn't know how she looked. She didn't even know what colour her own eyes were, or of any blemishes on her skin.

The distant sounds of chatter and laughter began to fade from the other gladers as the night got darker.

'What do I look like?' she asked silently, unsure of wether his sleepy brain even heard her.

'Perfect' he mumbled, still looking up.

'You've got big brown eyes. A cute little nose. High cheek bones- that always seem to have a little flush of colour in them.' He began, turning to her, focusing on her.

Maybe the colour is only there when you're around.

'You get a few freckles around your cheeks if you've been out in the sun all day, I noticed when I was chopping the wood. Your lips are a light shade of pink. They get deeper when I do this.' He leaned in and lightly kissed her, more of a brush up against her,hardly even coming into contact with her lips. He looked at her lips for a few seconds.

'Yep there it is.' He smiled. 'You're just perfect.' He mumbled, his eyes blinking slowly, slumber starting to drag them down.

Okay Lythia. Let him sleep.

She shuffled down slightly, so that his head would be above hers, one arm underneath her and another over Gally, burying her head into him as she slung her leg over his body.

 She was like a sloth on a tree branch.

One of his arms wrapped around her body, lightly stroking her back through her clothes, but it didn't last long, as his breathing got deeper and his grip got limp.

'Thankyou' she  mumbled, knowing that he wouldn't hear her anyway.


She jolted up, Gallys name subconsciously leaving her lips.

The low rumbling sound of the walls echoing throughout the glade.

It didn't even feel like she had slept yet.

Was it morning already?

No. It was still dark, not even a pinch of sunrise showed through the dark mass of sky, and the stars were still out. Shouts of gladers in the distance worried her, as she looked over to Gally.

Their sleeping positions hadn't  changed during the small interval.

'Gally. Gally wake up!' she shouted. He mumbled, his eyebrows twitching.

'Gally!' She shouted louder.

'What is it?' His low sleepy voice asked, as he rubbed his eyes.

'There's something wrong. I.. I think the walls are opening' she stuttered, kneeled at Gallys side. 'What?!' He sat up, seeming more alert. 'What do you mean? It's the middle of the damn night?' He half questioned, standing.

'I know that.' she replied, copying his movements. 'Can't you hear that?' she pointed toward the direction of the walls, where the shouts and ruckus of the other gladers still echoed.

'Comeon' he ordered, brushing her hand as he ran toward the noise.

They ran to the walls to find they were slowly opening, slower than normal, as all the gladers stood around watching in awe. 'Where have you been I've been looking all over!' Thomas ran up to them both, breathless and sweaty.

'What's going on?' Lythia asked over the rumbling, as Gally looked up at the walls, a mixture of fright and confusion crossing his face.

'We don't know... Could be a.. A malfunction' he used his hands as he regained his breath.
'Well then isn't this the perfect time to escape?' Chuck spoke, appearing next to Thomas.       

 'No. If everything else is in following order that means the Grievers are out there, loose' Thomas replied.

Loose Grievers in the night was a big enough fear, but now the walls were open and they were exposed...

  'Loose?! So what are you saying? They could just...'
'Walk right in here' Gally finished her sentence.

The rumbling stopped and the walls were now fully gaped open, a walkway to hell. Everyone stood in silence, just.. Looking.

'Everybody listen up' minhos voice echoed. He was stood infront of the open walls. 'Don't panic. None of us know what this is.' He spoke. Like a jinx, everyone then began to panic, probably even more now that they knew one of the runners didn't even know what the hell was going on. Gally brushed passed Lythia again, making his way to where Minho stood, who was frantically trying to calm everyone down.

'EVERYBODY CALM THE SHUCK DOWN' he shouted loudly, the deepness and harshness of his voice making Lythia jump out of her skin, having never heard him like that before.
Everyone simmered down, but panic was still in their vains. If anyone said one thing out of place they would go up in ruckus.

'Everybody running around here like a headless chicken in the slicers will not solve anything. So listen to me. This is a first, we all know that. But we need to look at the dangers here and sensibly prevent them. It's dark. The walls are open. Grievers have a free pass into here' everyone started mumbling, the panic bar rising.

'But listen. We need to barricade this opening. Who knows how long it will be before one, or five comes strolling in here? But they don't walk into walls. They ain't that dumb. So everybody do your part and stay calm. Collect anything you can. Wood, metal, barrels, boxes, whatever. We need to block off this entrance.' He sternly explained. Gally was taking full responsibility right now, and everyone obeyed him. Even Thomas. It was such an unexpected turn, for everyone to see Gally take a situation on like this, what with all of the reputation he holds.

The gladers did as he said, the stronger ones beginning to build a makeshift wall, tying it with ropes. It wouldn't take much strength from a Griever to knock it down, but in luck hopefully they would just avoid it. 
With teamwork, they got the wall to around waist height, when that sickening sound of clanking echoed from the maze. Everyone stopped in their tracks, their gazes slowly moving to the entrance.

Everything was so still, it's as if not even a breath of air was taken into any lungs.  The clanking grew closer, and most of them knew what was about to happen.

Lythias stomach dropped, and she wasn't sure if the clanking was the grievers manouvering their way around the maze, or the stomachs of other gladers, dropping to the floor. 

A Griever reared around the corner, its weapons sticking out ready to attack. Then it seen them.

'EVERYBODY HIDE' newt shouted, as it came running toward them, faster than ever, followed by two, three more of the metallic monsters. Everyone ran, shouting screaming, disappearing. Lythia stared as they came toward them, only a few feet from the glade. She felt like t was happening all over again

 'Lythia' Thomas' voice shouted.'Lythia come on!' He repeated, but her body just wouldn't move, the thought of having to run from those things again literally exhausted her brain.

Gally appeared in her vision, his hands resting on her shoulders.

'Lythia. We. need. to. go.'

MATE its all going downhill like a fatman in a wheelbarrow from here

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