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Everybody ate food after the banishment. People just got on like normal. It wasn't like someone was just forced into a concrete maze to be painfully killed by a robotic monster cause he nearly raped a girl.

It was only whilst eating frypans supper that Lythia realised just how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten for two days now and the thought of the poor little pig didn't even bother her any more.

 Her and Gally ate until they could eat no more.

When everyone was breaking apart, ready for sleep, Lythia seen Thomas by the map room.

He beckoned her over, to which she followed.

'Hey.' He said.


'I can't believe you actually.. Survived out there. Me, Minho and Alby are the only ones who've done that... What happened out there to make you think I am your brother?' He asked her.

Lythia had almost forgotten the dream with her mind being so fixated on Gally. She thoughrly explained her memory to Thomas, his brown eyes widening with every sentence.

'What? Why? Why the hell would someone be so cruel to do that?' He was confused, with the words of their parents willingly putting them into that place.

 'They put us here for a good reason Thomas. They wanted to save us.' Lythia reassured him, remembering her parents fate.

 'Save us? Save us how exactly? By giving us to these shucking robotic monsters that tear us limb by limb?! There's no good reason for this' he shook his head.

'I don't know that yet. I don't think it was our parents decision to be in this maze exactly.  We were somewhere else before. But I think we done something bad, to be out here.'

'What do you mean?'
'We lived in that place, for a good ten years, and we weren't in any danger, until we decided to do something. We must of broke the rules..' she trailed off in thought.

'Broke what rules?' He asked.

'I really dont know. All I know is that there's something really bad outside these walls. Worse than the Grievers Thomas.' she looked up at him.

He took a breath. 'When you told me about that first dream.. When you talked to me for the first time? I dreamt that night. Of the same place. It was like a testing labratory. I didn't want to say anything; I didn't know if it was just because of what you told me but I think it was a memory of some kind. Gally was there too. They were putting him in the maze Lythia, you were upset because he couldn't remember any of us.. They'd wiped his memory, I stood by and watched.. I watched them treat him like dirt and I watched you on your knees, crying.' He asked, guilt ridding his eyes.

Lythia made a note to tell Gally all of this, she still hadn't figured herself why he was in her memories, let alone Thomas' and she didn't want to ruin the peace the both of them had at the minute.
'We keep this to ourselves. Until we know more. People can't be suspecting shit about either of us again.' He warned.


Everyone had took their places to sleep, but Lythia wasn't tired. She had low energy but all she wanted to do was sit. Neither was Gally. They both walked for a while, down past the tree grove on the patch of grass where the opposite end of the forest came, right next to part of the wall that surrounded them.

It was warm out; it always was. No matter the time or season.

It would help if any of them actually knew the season.

They sat down.

'So you talked to Thomas.' Gally said, sounding stern.

'Yeah..' she replied, hastily.

'What about?' He was being that blunt kind of person again.

'Nothing.' she replied, a little too quickly. She remembered what Thomas said and agreed to it. 'You know I told you not to go near him' he sighed, looking at the floor.

'You advised me Gally you didn't tell me not to do anything. There's nothing wrong with Thomas I trust him.' she told him.

'Can't you see he wants you? He's only trying to bed you' he scoffed.

'He doesn't want me Gally. Believe me.' she bluntly replied.

'Hes a loudmouth' Gally shrugged.

'You're overreacting.'

'He's gonna end up seducing you or some klunk' he snapped.

Lythia wasn't a fan of this jealous side of Gally.

'He's not gonna seduce me Gally. Stop trying everything to put the kid in the shit' she laughed.

'I just know he wants you.' He replied.

'Yeah well you know jack shit Gally. He really doesn't want me. And so what if anyone did? He's clearly not the only one.' she snapped again, taking a dig.

 'He's gonna fuck you. He gave you his vest and now he's dragging you round the corner of buildings.' he snapped back.

how dare he.

She wasn't going to stand for this.

'No he's not Gally because he's my brother. Stop talking like that cause I'm bored of your jealous ass. Thomas really isn't the glader you wanna watch, he's just got sibling love.' she rolled her eyes.

'What?' He looked at her, shocked. 'How did you-'
'I had a memory ok.' It really wasn't the time to explain everything to him. He'd just go bat shit.

'What do you mean I need to watch other gladers? Who's after you?' He asked, furrowing his brow. Lythia rolled her eyes, for the fifth time today.  'Look, any of those gladers could be after me. Any of them. It's up to me wether I wanted them too. You're so jealous Gally.' she laughed sarcastically.

'Jealousy? Is that what you think this is? What are you trying to say? You kissed me in that maze and now you're saying you'd move onto someone just like that?' His attitude changed.

'I'm not saying that. I'm just saying you need to stop being so over protective' she admitted, getting up to walk away. She somehow knew by the tone in his voice that this was going be an argument.

She heard him behind her, as he grabbed her arm and spun her around, gently pushing her up against the cold concrete wall next to them.

'I can be as overprotective of you as I want.' He growled.  'It's the only thing that's got you this far' he said, their bodies touching against the wall.

'Say what you want but none of those other gladers could do that could they? save your life, not once, but twice, Huh?' 

Their faces were so close to each other's that she felt the heat radiating from him. 

'Don't try the attitude with me again. I only care about you Lythia' he spoke.

She moved her head, her lips gently touching his. Its like he knew exactly how to kiss her, like they new exactly how to hold each other, they fit together like a puzzle piece.

They broke apart and somehow ended up sitting on the ground once more, smiling at each other, both realising how stupid the small argument was.

'You know you still haven't showered' he said, a sarcastic tone. 'It can wait' she smiled.

I'm so ashamed of this story

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