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'Why the fuck did you do that?!' Gally half whispered, out of breath. She ignored him, taking in her surroundings.

The walls were grey like the outer ones, only these were damp and covered in moss and vines, the claws of nature taking over them. God knows how long they'd been there.

The cracks of the floor were sprouting mushrooms and weeds, it smelt damp and a hint of metal hit her senses.

Every breath echoed down the narrow hallway of the maze, and in the far distance simultaneous repetitive noises sounded, like pipes smashing against eachother.

'Are you listening to me?! Why did you run in here like that? Again? It's suicide lythia!' He whispered again.

'Because I can.' her voice bounced off the ivy covered walls.

'Shhhhhh' he aggressively said, holding his fingers up to his lips.

'Why. It can't be that bad. Even the runners said they almost found a way out. I'm gonna go see it.' se said, ignoring Gallys orders.
'Goddamn it will you keep your voice down?! It is extremely bad Lythia. We're dead. Dead. We're already dead' he whispered, falling against the wall.

Dead? she lowered her voice, sensing the sheer disappointment in his voice.

 'What do you mean dead? We can get out! I heard them talking in that shack, they said they'd found a way!

'No. No we can't. You heard wrong. The reason the runners haven't got out all this time is because the godamn walls change in here. All the time. That's what they map out in that shack.' he explained, shaking his head.

'God you're so stupid. I can't believe you just- didn't you get the memo last time I tackled you to the shucking ground?' He frantically spoke. He looked shocked, dumbfounded.

'Well maybe if you'd explained to my 'stupid' self then I wouldn't be here' she snapped.
'Don't blame this on us. We were only trying to keep you safe' he shook his head.
'Fine. We'll stay here all night. That way we don't move at all.' she told him, crossing her arms. 
'You're kidding me right? We stay here we die. We run, we die... Nobody ever survives a night in the maze.' He looked sad.


'The Grievers.They'll kill us. None of us  are strong enough to stop that. They're every where in here. They only come out at night, when the walls close. They're like the guardians of the place.'

'What the hell is a Griever? We can-'

'shhh.' He ordered, edging closer to her.

'Hear that?' He said, his hand up to his ear.

She listened. The clanking of the pipes was much louder now, getting closer.

'That's a Griever. We've got to go' he said, pulling her along to the left.

They ran, shoes bouncing of the damp concrete floor, breaths echoing loudly.

 Left again, then right, and straight down.

'We need to stop' Lythia panted, out of breath.

'We can't.' His voice was shaky. His eyes ahead of them, he pulled on her arm.

She looked up.

Around the corner in front of them, a monster;

what Lythia could only describe as a huge insect, with a bulbous body made of some kind of sticky, transparent, resilient substance, huge rusty metal legs, a tail like a scorpion, blades and spikes gradually going in and out of its jellyfied back, seemed to be staring straight at them.

Indecisive | The Maze Runner | Gally | Will PoulterWhere stories live. Discover now