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Six Years Later

The noise of feet running around in the house made me happy. Niall was chasing Aiden and Mackenzie around playing with them.

I was busy in the kitchen when Mackenzie ran straight towards me, hiding behind my legs. She was all out of breath, but didn't give up, she enjoyed playing with her dad.

"Mommy, mommy, please don't let daddy catch me," She whispered softly, making sure that I was the only one that could hear her.

"I promise I won't let him get you, okay."

She was too cute for words and she was really beautiful. She has big blue eyes and dark brown hair. She was absolutely perfect, to say the least, she looked like an angel.

She was our miracle baby, after Niall and I got married, we tried having more children, but I had two miscarriages. When we finally gave up all hope, I fell pregnant with Mackenzie and it was the best thing that could ever happen to us.

When news got out that Niall and I got married, his fans were angry at first, sending me death threats, but I decided to just laugh it off because I was finally happy with him.

Mackenzie slowly peaked around my legs to see if Niall would come for her. I finished up placing the last of the grapes in a bowl. Niall walked through the door and I knew that he saw her behind me. He looked directly at her but pretended not to know where she was.

"Sorry Mrs have you seen a little girl about this high?" He held out his hand to show Mackenzie's height.

"No, I am sorry Sir, maybe she is in another room."

"Do you mind if I search here?"

"No, of course not, go right ahead."

Niall started searching frantically, making Mackenzie giggle a little behind my legs. Niall even pretended to search for her in the cupboards, the fridge and the drawers. He walked closer to me when he finally scooped up Mackenzie causing her to laugh out of her stomach.

I also started laughing, leaned in and kissed her on her cheek. Niall leaned in and gave me a kiss on my lips.

He placed Mackenzie down and helped me to take all the things to the backyard. It was one of our daily routines to eat lunch outside.

I went inside to get the juice and to call Aiden to come and eat as he was probably so busy playing the video game that Louis got him for Christmas that he totally forget about food.

The boys still came to visit us a lot and I liked the fact that all our kids were friends from the youngest to the oldest.

"Aiden lunch is ready, please put off the game and join us."

"I am coming, mom."

I walked outside and sat down next to Niall, he rested his hand on my leg, sitting closer to me. Aiden came outside and sat down next to Mackenzie. My little boy was already 11 years old and Mackenzie was five.

This right here was my family and I was more than happy with it, we are not perfect and we all have our flaws, but this right here this moment was perfect for me.

"Aiden have you decided what sport you want to do in school?" Niall placed a few grapes in his mouth chewing on them.

"Yeah dad, I want to play football like uncle Can." Aiden admired his uncle Lucan, he always came to fetch him on school holidays to visit him in Chicago, taking him to games and practices with him.

"Well, maybe one day you can play American football with your uncle."

"That would be super cool mom." He poured himself a glass of juice taking a sip of it.

"I want to become a singer like daddy one day." Mackenzie stood up from her chair and jumped on Niall's lap.

He kissed her on her little nose, making her giggle a little more. I looked over at Niall and he looked up at me, his eyes bluer than ever. Whenever he was happy, his eyes would become as blue as the sea, making it more beautiful.

"Niall, I ...."

"Is something wrong?"

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it, Princess?"

"I ... I mean we, we are going to have another baby."

"You are? We...? I am going to be a dad again." He slowly placed Mackenzie down on the ground before jumping to his feet and throwing his hands up in the air.

He walked back to me and held out his hand, I took his hand in mine and very carefully he pulled me to my feet. He gave me one of those kisses that turned me inside out, stopping time, everything else seizes to exist except the two of us and making me the happiest woman in the world.

Moments like this is what I lived for, my happily ever after and I couldn't have asked for more.

*This is finally the end. Hope you liked the second book.

Check out my other books if you want to.

Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

A New Life, A Sudden Change {N.H} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now