Money and Zenè

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I rested my head on the pillow, it was a long day at the office and I only had a couple of minutes to rest up. Natalia will be coming around later on. Her name was so beautiful it is French and it slides off your tongue so easily Na-ta-lia.

She was the girl of my dreams, but my father didn't want her in my life because it would be bad for business. The fact that she was a prostitute made it even worse, although she stopped when we met two years ago.

I still remember the conversation I had with my father like it was only yesterday. We were having a fight over money.


"If you don't find yourself a decent girl, and I mean soon, I am going to freeze all your assets and you will have to work for your own money then."

"But dad, I love Natalia, and I want to marry her. I can't just dump her and marry someone else."

"I don't care what you want, or can and can't do Christopher James Bennet, but I will make you a deal. If you can't find someone to marry within the next year, I will kick you out of my life and out of the family business." He was serious, I was sometimes afraid of my dad.

"That's a bit harsh dad, isn't it?"

"I don't care Christopher, but to make it fun, you find a good girl that already has a child, stay married to her for a whole year, and then get a divorce. You can then sue her for everything she has after you leave her. Maybe then, I will let you marry Natalia."

"Dad the poor girl that I am going to take for a ride." I still had a heart and felt sorry for whoever the victim was going to be.

"What do I tell Natalia, dad?" He always had the answers to everything; he has been married ten times already.

I think the reasons why they never worked out or lasted were because he had a heart colder than the ice queen. No one liked him; he was always mean to them. Mom left him when I was three years old, and I grew up without her.

Whenever I got used to his new wife, he was already busy looking for the next one, or they left him because he never attended to any of their needs.

"You keep her on the sideline. You tell your new wife that you have to travel a lot on business, then you can fool around with your little prostitute."

"She was one dad, she is a model now."

"Whatever you say. Make me proud so that I can call you my son Christopher. Now you are just a disgrace to me." He turned around and walked out of the room without another word. He was the only person in this world who called me Christopher.

I met up with Natalia shortly after the talk with my father and told her everything. I didn't like lying to her, and she fully understood my situation and supports me in my venture. She just made me promise that I would visit her once a week, just so that I could prove to her I still loved her.

I met Zenè in the supermarket and I was immediately attracted to her but there was just one thing she lacked, she wasn't the girl of my dreams, but I had to do what my father said because I can't go through life without money.

I didn't actually work in the business; I was just there to receive money for sitting back and watching other people do my job for me.

Aiden is a great kid, but never in my life did I ever think of having children of my own, but I had to endure him. The fact that his dad was some big celebrity made it even harder for me. The worst part of it is that we also knew each other.

I just had to remind myself that it was just for a year, divorce Zenè and marry Natalia. I will make her mine for the rest of my life.

*Stay sweet Xoxo .

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