Niall and Maura

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"Hi, Niall." His smile lit up the room.

Maura jumped up from the couch and wrapped her arms around Niall. He was so much taller than her, it was actually cute to see them hug.

Maura let go of him, straightening his collar. She gave him a big smile, and I could see the love between the two of them. It was the same love I had for Aiden.

He pulled his mother in for another hug, and I could see that he loved her a lot. He sat down on the couch next to me, pulling me in for a hug.

He smelled so good, and I enjoyed the warm embrace of his hug. He made me feel safe once more like nothing could hurt me.

"Hi, princess. I hope you are well?" He shifted to the front of the couch pouring himself a hot cup of tea.

"I am always good, thank you. How are you doing?" He took a sip of the tea, closing his eyes, savoring the sweet taste of it.

"Great thanks so where is my little boy?" Niall looked at me, and his eyes were sparkling when he spoke about Aiden.

"Still sleeping, he went to bed late last night. He wanted to spend some time with his grandmother, the two of them had so much fun, you should have seen the kitchen, there was ice cream everywhere."

A little laughter escaped from his lips. He had one of the funniest laughs, and I couldn't help but laugh with him, he just knew how to light up a room.

"How are the wedding plans coming along?" He looked at me, and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

I felt sick to my stomach whenever I thought about the wedding. There was still so much to do and the worst part of it all was, it felt like Chris was hiding things from me. He was always away on business; it was like he never had time for me anymore.

He won't even call me when he is away, and he will not answer any of my calls either. So far I did everything by myself, and it was getting too much for me.

"It's going great." I lied through my teeth, but I knew Niall would see through me as he knows me by heart.

"I know you're lying Zenè; you can tell me the truth."

"It's terrible everything is just getting too much for me to handle. Chris is never at home to help me, and I have to do everything on my own."

Maura was seated on the other couch, just smiling at us. I knew deep down, she wished that I would have gotten married to Niall. I loved her like a mother; she was always there to give advice no matter what time of the day it was. She reminded me a lot of my own mother, she was always neat on herself.

"Mom, is it possible if I could talk to Zenè alone, please? It will only be for a few minutes."

"Sure I will check if Aiden is up yet." She stood up, placed her cup down on the table and left us.

If this is one of Niall's infamous speeches about why we should be together, I am taking my things, and I am leaving no matter what anyone says.

Deep down I knew that I wanted to be with him, but I didn't need for everyone to tell me that. I had to follow my own heart.

"Zenè it ... it hurts me to tell you this, but there is something that you need to know." He stood up from the couch running his hands through his hair.

"Speak Niall; I am listening."

"I ... I think Chris is cheating on you." He said, letting out a deep sigh at the end like it was something he bottled up for a long time.

"You're lying, Chris would never do something like that." I shook my head in disbelief; I knew Niall was just jealous.

"It's the truth, I saw him with someone else. He kissed her, I won't lie about this, and you know me Zenè. It's just that I don't want to see you get hurt again Princess; you deserve better than him."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Was Niall for real, what does he know about me deserving better.

Chris was good enough for me, even if he wasn't at home that much. This was just like Niall, he doesn't want to see me happy at all.

"I ...." I cut him off as I wanted to speak my mind.

"You think I deserve to be with you. Sometimes I wish I never met you, Niall. My life and yours would have been so much better. I am happy, and you just need to accept it." It felt like I ripped his heart from his chest and stepped on it as his smile faded from his face.

"Yeah, it would have been for the best if we have never met. If you think I am just trying to break you and Chris up, think again, but I do hope you get to see the real him before it's too late."

"If you will excuse me, I am going to pack my bags and go back to London. It was a mistake for me to come here."

I stood up and walked past Maura, who was holding Aiden. He jumped out of Maura's arms and ran towards Niall. I was going to break his heart again, but I know that I will not be able to stay in the same house as Niall.

*Stay sweet Xoxo .

A New Life, A Sudden Change {N.H} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now