Stress and Guardian Angel

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Everything was just getting too much for me. I had to plan the wedding all on my own, with Chris always away on business. Most of the time leaving me with all the responsibilities.

Niall barely spoke to me, always avoiding me. He found it hard to see that I was happy without him. I sat down on the couch, slugging over, resting my head on my arms.

Everything was getting too much, I just wish I had someone that could have helped me, or rather someone that could talk some sense into me.

Maybe this was happening too fast, but I didn't want to listen. I was like some lovesick puppy at the time, maybe following my own heart sometimes can get me into a lot of trouble.

I looked out the window and saw that it was raining, again. It is nothing new in London, it rains a lot here, the weather was also unpredictable, and it changed the way my moods changed.

A loud knock at the door brought me back to reality and I jumped with fright. I walked up to the door and look through the peephole, it was like one of my wishes came true.

I opened the door and there he stood, the one person that knew me better than I knew myself, the person that can calm my heart when it feels like it's going to jump out of my chest. My guardian angel and best friend.

He pulled me close and I wrapped my arms around him, enjoying the warm embrace of his hug. I missed him so much, it was like he heard my cry for help.

He was soaking wet from the rain, but I didn't care, I was just happy that he was here, my brother, Lucan was here in London. I pulled him inside, taking his bag, placing it down next to the umbrella stand.

"This is a nice surprise?" I kept looking at him, he hadn't changed that much since the last time I saw him. He only grew a bit of a beard.

"I wanted to surprise you and Aiden. Where is the little bugger?" He just kept smiling, showing off his beautiful smile that lights up the room.

"He will be home soon, he is with Niall for the day. Niall is leaving on Saturday to who knows where." He took off his jacket, placing it on the umbrella stand, the water dripped a bit on the floor.

"I brought him a gift, I remember the last time he told me that he wanted a football, so I got him one. It is signed by the whole team." He took the ball out of his bag and handed it to me.

"Thank you, but you really didn't need to do that."

"Why not? He is my godson and I need to spoil him, it is expected from me."

Lucan and Samantha couldn't have kids, so Niall and I decided to make them the godparents of Aiden. They are the best fit for him, but about six months ago Sam fell ill and the doctors didn't know what it was. Despite everything they tried, they couldn't help her and she passed away.

Lucan puts up a brave face, pretending it doesn't hurt him. He lost himself in his football, it was the only way that he could deal with the pain.

The door opened and Aiden stood in the doorway holding the key in his hand, shaking from the cold outside. He wasn't even wearing a jacket and it took him a few minutes before he realized that his uncle was standing in the same room as him.

He ran towards Lucan, who picked him up and held him tight against his chest. He started to tickle Aiden, making him laugh so much that he started to hiccup.

"Uncle Can, please stop? If I hiccup too much I am going to pass out." He kept on laughing. Aiden couldn't pronounce Lucan's name when he was little, but calling him Can was easier, so from that moment on it stuck and he never changed it.

Lucan placed Aiden down and messed up his wet hair. I took his hand, to get him into some dry clothes. No one, especially not me, wants a sick boy in their house. I took out some clean clothes from the drawer and placed it on the bed.

"So, what did you and daddy do big boy?" I pulled the wet shirt over his head.

"We went to the movies and there were some girls that just wanted to touch me and pick me up and I got scared. Daddy picked me up and told me that I shouldn't be scared because he would never leave my side." He had a twinkle in his eyes whenever he spoke about his dad.

We finished up in the bedroom and walked into the living room, where Niall and Lucan were busy with their own conversation, not even noticing us entering the room.

They shook hands and Niall walked over to Aiden, giving him a kiss on the head. He didn't even look in my direction, like I wasn't even there, like I was dead to him.

"What was that all about?" Lucan asked and I only shook my head.

"Nothing, so what were you two talking about?" I sat down on the couch next to Aiden.

"He asked if I wanted to go and play golf with him tomorrow."

"What did you say, are you going?"

"I said yes, he is a great bloke and I like him."

I just shrugged my shoulders and left it there. I did not want to spoil the rest of the night. Lucan and I spent time catching up talking about everything that came to mind just enjoying each other's company. Having my best friend here was the best feeling in the world.

*Stay sweet Xoxo .

A New Life, A Sudden Change {N.H} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now