Results and Prayers

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"Princess, are you okay?" Niall whispered softly and placed his hand on my cheek. I stood up making his hand fall to his side.

How do I explain my dream to him? He would think that I am crazy, and I also told him that I didn't love him.

The doctor stepped through the door, saving me from my misery. As he stepped through the door, the boys were following right behind him. He looked down at his clipboard and then over at me.

"We have some news on Aiden's condition." He took his glasses off and placed them in his side pocket.

Niall stood up from his seat and walked over to my side to stand next to me. It felt good to have him there beside me. He took my hand in his and held onto it tightly.

"What is wrong with him?" Niall asked impatiently.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, but who are you?" The doctor asked somewhat perplexed.

"He is Aiden's Father." I finally answered his question.

"Yeah, what she said and we are his uncles." Louis stood next to the doctor and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

The doctor gave him a dirty look and shrugged the arm off his shoulders. Louis quickly apologized and stepped away. Liam pulled Louis to his side, whispering something to him.

"Yes, well that is good then. Aiden needs a blood transfusion within the next 48 hours. At the moment, it is touch and go with him. We do not have his blood type in storage, and neither does the blood bank. We will have to test you both and maybe we could also test the uncles to see who has the same blood type as him. I will give you a few minutes to discuss it, but remember, if you don't do it, chances are that you may lose your little boy." The doctor closed the clipboard and walked out the door.

"I am up for it, I won't even hesitate, he is my little boy, and I can't lose him." Niall's grip on my hand tightened so much; it felt like my bones were breaking. I took my hand from his and rubbed it to relieve some of the pain.

"I agree with Niall, Aiden is my everything; I can't lose him either." I nodded my head in agreement.

"I will also do it. We are right behind the both of you." Liam's voice echoed in the hallway.

"Yeah, what Liam said." Louis and Harry said in unison and just laughed at each other.

The doctor came back through the door and looked at all of us. We told him about our decisions, and he asked who was going in first. I volunteered, having a baby hurts more than having a needle stuck into your arm.

The nurse finished up, and my blood was in a small vial marked with my name. I went back to the waiting room, and I was alone there taking this as my opportunity to pray.

I went down onto my knees at one of the chairs, folding my hands together and closing my eyes. I am religious, and I do believe in God, and I knew he was going to make Aiden better.

"God, I know you have not forsaken us, I know your healing hands are on Aiden, please let one of us be a match so that we can help him. I know, you know how much Aiden means to Niall and me. I love him with all my heart and I can't lose him now. I know in my heart, that you are going to heal him and make him the happy boy that he has always been. There is one more thing Lord, You are the only one in this world that knows who my heart belongs to, please show me the way. Amen."

I came to my feet, cleaned up my knees and sat down on the chair. The once empty room started filling up with the boys. Niall was the last one that came into the room, smiling like he didn't have a care in the world even though he was afraid of needles.

The doctor followed close behind him and told us that it was going to take a few hours to get the blood tested, but he was going to rush it as it was an emergency.

It felt like time was ticking by so slowly, everyone was silent, it felt like I was going crazy. The doctor came back and told us the good news. Louis was a match for Aiden, and he also told us that it was going to take about two hours to do the blood transfusion.

I was relieved, and I knew that my little boy was going to be okay. Louis left with the doctor and I sat down in my chair.

"Thank you, God for listening to my prayer. I knew you were going to save my boy." I whispered under my breath making sure that no one heard me.

After about two hours Louis came back into the room and ordered us that Niall and I should join the doctor in Aiden's room. We did as told and left the boys to their own devices. Niall and I looked at each other as we entered the room where Aiden was in.

He was still hooked up to machines, and the doctor told us it was just to make sure he had enough fluids in his body. He also informed us that they were still going to keep him under strict observation, as there is a chance that his body can reject the blood.

I stood by Aiden's side and took his tiny little hand in mine, it felt so good just to be close to him again.

"Mommy and Daddy are here now. I promise we will never leave you." I kissed his forehead, and a tear rolled down on my cheek.

*I liked writing this part the most. It's sad that Aiden is sick, but I also brought in a little humor with Louis.

*I also believe in God as he is my biggest help in my struggling life. We all have different beliefs in life.

Stay Sweet Xoxo ✌.

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