Crying and Advice.

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It has already been two weeks that Aiden hasn't seen Niall due to the fact that he was on tour. Aiden grew more and more impatient, only wanting his dad to be with him. He cried a lot, and no matter what I said, he didn't care he just wanted Niall.

Chris was home for the weekend, and we spent some time together. We booked a hotel room for a romantic getaway. Lucan looked after Aiden so that Chris and I could enjoy our time together, doing the kind of thing only adults should think about.

Chris and I didn't really talk about having kids together. He didn't want any children, he said Aiden was more than enough, even if he wasn't his father.

I would love to have more kids, but if Chris doesn't want any, I can't pressure him into having more.

Aiden was in the living room, watching an animation movie on the TV. He was laying on the carpet, drawing circles with his finger. I bet he was tired from all the crying.

I sat down next to him, stroking my hand over his back, his sobs were no longer audible, and it broke my heart to see my little boy sad like this. His fingers kept on going in different directions on the carpet.

"Aiden, baby, let mommy take you to bed please."

"No, I am going to stay here until daddy comes home."

It was hard to argue with him when he was like this. He was like Niall in that way; he wanted it his way, and no one else could say anything to change his mind.

Lucan walked through the front door, dressed in his football attire, coming from a match they had. He placed his bag down on the floor next to the umbrella stand.

He had a smile on his face and just by that I knew that they have won the game. I wish I could have been there to support him, but having a grumpy five-year-old boy is not easy.

An advert came on the TV, and it drew my attention, seeing that it was for 'One Direction's' new perfume. Aiden immediately sat up straight watching the TV carefully. After it had finished, Aiden started crying again.

"I ... want ... my ... daddy." My heart was breaking, and I walked into the kitchen also crying.

I couldn't take this anymore, I needed someone to tell me it was going to be okay. I needed Niall right here, to comfort Aiden and tell him he loves him.

I walked past the living room, seeing Lucan comforting Aiden, telling him everything was going to be okay. I left them behind and went to my room, shutting the door behind me.

I picked up my phone from the dresser and typed in the first number that came to mind. I pressed the dial button, placing the phone next to my ear.

"Hallo you have reached the voicemail, please leave your name and number and I will get back to you."

The annoying sound of the voice mail came from the other side. I typed in the number again as I really knew she could help out.

"Maura Hallo." Her voice was so soothing, making me forget about everything that was going on around me.

"Hi, Maura, it's me, Zenè. I really need help, and you are the only one that can help me?" Tears were forming in my eyes, threatening to spill over my lashes but I suppressed it. I did not want her to hear that I was sad.

"Sure, dear, what can I do?"

"It's Aiden, he has been crying almost every day for Niall, and I don't know what to do. I am at my wits end." I could no longer hold back the tears, and they started rolling down my cheeks.

"Why don't you and Aiden, come and visit for a few days? Niall said that he was going to visit me sometime next week, so maybe you and Aiden can be here then aswell. I also miss my grandson."

"Are you sure about this? I ... we don't want to intrude or anything."

"Yes, dear, of course, I am sure, you and Aiden are also my family so no matter what you are always welcome at my house."

"Thanks, Maura I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome dear. We will talk some more when you get here. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to your visit. Give my grandson a kiss and hug from me and tell him I love him. I love you too Zenè and always remember that you are very dear to my heart."

"I love you too Maura."

With that, we ended our call, and I wiped away my tears before leaving my room. Lucan was still on the carpet and Aiden was lying next to him sounding asleep. I picked Aiden up and took him to his room, tucking him into bed.

I kissed him on the head, and he woke up a bit, murmuring under his breath, turned around, closed his eyes and fell back asleep.

"You're going to see daddy soon; I promise you," I whispered and walked out of the room. I still had a few things to do before we have to leave for our visit.

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Stay sweet Xoxo .

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