Champagne and Confessions

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The guests all finally left, leaving a big mess. As I was busy cleaning up Niall took Aiden for a bath and put him to bed. He told him a bedtime story and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep as it was a very long day for him.

I placed the last of the remaining dishes in the dishwasher and switched it on. Niall came into the kitchen trying to help me, but to his surprise, I was already finished.

We were still dressed in the cake covered clothes, but we didn't mind, because having a kid can sometimes leave you with even worse stains on your clothes.

"Do you want to take a shower, Niall?"

"I would love to Princess, but I don't have clean clothes."

"Give me your shirt and jeans, I will wash them for you."

"Then what do I walk around in silly?" He gave me a cheeky smile.

"Your boxers, you wear them under your jeans don't you?" He nodded his head sheepishly. I handed him a towel and he headed for the bathroom, leaving me with a smile on my face.

I went to check up on Aiden, to see if he was still asleep. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and pulled his door shut. I went into my room and took a quick shower because I didn't want Niall to be alone for too long.

I quickly dressed and towel dried my hair. I went into the kitchen and when I turned around I bumped into Niall again. He dropped his clothes on the floor and reached out to steady me.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." He bent down to pick up the clothes with a cheeky smile on his face.

He stood there with only his boxers displaying his naked upper body, making me think back to the days when we were still dating.

I quickly excused myself and went into the laundry room, placing the clothes in the washer and headed back to the kitchen. Niall took out a bottle of champagne from the bag that was on the table and I got two glasses from the cupboard.

I sat down on the cold floor, resting my back against the fridge. Niall joined me and popped open the bottle of champagne. I handed him the glasses and he handed one back to me filled with white champagne.

"I know you don't really drink, but I think we have something to celebrate."

"Why would that be Niall?"

"To you, for being the best mom in the world." We clinked our glasses together and took a sip.

"This is to us for making that baby in there." I pointed to Aiden's room and we took another sip.

The longer the night got, the tipsier I became and before I knew it, the bottle was empty. Niall and I just sat there on the floor enjoying each other's company, talking about everything and anything we could think about.

"Zenè, I have to tell you something, but trust me you know this already. I need to tell you again because you never believe me and you don't believe in us."

"Just spit it out Niall. What are you trying to say?" I said, waving my hand all over the place. I was too drunk to even concentrate on his face as I saw two of him in front of me.

"I still love you Zenè, I have never stopped loving you. I also know that you don't think we should be together, but I know for a fact that we should be together." He said letting out a deep sigh.

" you...Niall." I slurred out through some hiccups.

Suddenly I felt his lips on mine and I just closed my eyes savoring the moment. His lips belonged on mine and I didn't want to let go, but I let out another hiccup making us both laugh a bit more.

Niall picked me up in his arms walking with me all the way to my bedroom. He dumped me on the bed and softly kissed me on my cheek. He walked to the door and switched the light off. He looked back, turned and left.

*Stay sweet Xoxo .

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