Hospital's and Signs

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Chris was finally at home and I enjoyed having him here. He was just acting weird towards me, he never wanted to go to the hospital with me. Always saying hospitals made him feel uncomfortable.

I decided to rather meet Niall at the hospital, he would usually pick me up, but today I decided that I wanted to drive by myself. I needed some alone time to think.

I arrived at the hospital and slowly walked to the doors. Just as my luck would have it, it started raining. I was already feeling a bit down and the rain complimented my mood perfectly.

I stepped into the elevator and just as the doors were closing, two hands pushed it open. It was Niall and he was smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't return the smile, I wasn't feeling too well.

To tell you the truth, everything is just getting too much for me. My pending marriage to Chris, my feelings for Niall and Aiden's sudden sickness. My life came to a sudden change.

"Zenè, are you feeling okay?" Niall spoke and I had to say excuse me a few times before I registered what he had said.

"I don't know, but I think I will be okay."

The elevator door opened up and always the gentleman, Niall let me go out first. We stepped into Aiden's room and found him sitting on his bed, eating jelly. He was once again the happy kid that I knew, smiling from ear to ear.

I wrapped him in my arms, being careful of the pipes that were still connected to his arms. Just to have him with me for another day is absolutely great. He is my everything, I love Aiden more than anything in my entire life.

I let go of him and sat down on the chair next to his bed and I just kept looking over at him. He was sharing his food with Niall, feeding him spoon after spoon. Aiden turned his head and smiled at me. I tried faking a smile as I wanted to be happy with him.

"What is wrong mommy?"

"I am just feeling a little bit ill baby. Don't worry about me, I will be okay." Tears were building up in my eyes.

"Do you also need some of Uncle Lou's blood to make you better mommy?" He made me laugh a bit, he had the same sense of humor as Niall, always trying to lighten the mood no matter how a person feels.

"No baby, I am perfectly fine, I promise, as soon as you are home, I am going to feel much better. I can promise you that." I stood up and kissed him on his head stepping out of the room.

My back hit the cold wall and I just stood there which felt like forever. I rested my head against the wall closing my eyes. A hand softly touched me on my shoulder and I opened my eyes, looking over at Niall.

"Can I take you home Zenè?"

"What about my car?"

"Give me your keys, I will take you home with it and ask one of the boys to get me at your place, then I will come and get my car."

"Are you sure Niall?"

"Yeah, you can't drive in this condition."

We arrived at home and I invited Niall inside for a cup of tea. I wanted to thank him for all his trouble. As I opened the door, I saw clothing strewn all over the floor all the way to the bedroom.

I called out to Chris, but he didn't answer me. I heard noises coming from the bedroom and walked along the clothing trail, seeing that there were also women's clothing mixed in-between.

I slowly opened the door, revealing Chris and some blond bimbo making out on our bed, only in their underwear.

I slammed the door shut and ran to the living room, picked up the clothes as far as I went and threw it out the door.

Never in my life did I think I would date someone that would cheat on me again. I should have listened to Niall when he told me, but right now I wish I had a baseball bat to hit the living daylights out of Chris.

He came walking out of the bedroom with the blond following close behind him. He tried to explain, but I didn't want to listen. Anger was building up in me and I saw the same fire in Niall's eyes. Chris stepped forward to touch me, but before I could step back, Chris was laying on the floor, holding onto his nose.

Niall grabbed him up by the hair and threw him out of the house. The blonde bimbo ran screaming after him and before Niall could close the door, I took off my engagement ring and threw it at Chris.

Niall slammed the door shut and I could still hear Chris pleading and banging on the door, but I just ignored him and threw myself at Niall. He wrapped his arms around me and I started crying.

Why, whenever something bad happens, Niall is always there for me. Could this be some kind of sign?

*Finally she caught Chris cheating. She just has bad luck with men.

Hope you enjoy the story.

Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

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