The Boys and The Feelings

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The crowd was going crazy, this was our last show in Chicago, and I was pumped with adrenaline. It felt like I was going to jump in the crowd. I loved making music to thousands of people who appreciated it.

"You were the best crowd so far, we wish it could have gone on for longer, but all good things come to an end," Liam spoke, and the fans started screaming more.

"Liam, dude, you are making everyone sad right now, so please stop speaking." Everyone started laughing at Louis's comment, even getting a glare from Liam.

"Okay Chicago, we have to say good night now. We hope to see you again soon." Harry waved at the crowd, and we all walked off stage.

My mind wasn't really focused on the here and now. I just wanted to get home to see my little boy. I missed him so much; I needed one of his hugs and to hear him laugh from the pit of his stomach would be so great.

A tap on my shoulder brought me back to the here and now. I turned around to see Harry standing behind me. He ruffled his long curls, making sure they were in place.

"What's wrong bro? You look like you are miles away, on a different planet."

"I am fine, it's just, I miss my little boy."

"Awww, that's so cute, our little Nialler misses his little Aiden." Louis cooed making me laugh, he was one of the funniest people on earth.

"I don't want to pry, but how are things between you and Zenè?" Liam lets his arm hang around my shoulder slapping me on the chest with the other hand.

"Not good bro, she is getting married to someone else, and I don't know if I can allow it."

"What? ... Bro, you cannot allow that to happen. You need to fight for her; she needs to see that you are not going to give up on her and that no matter what, you will always be there for her and Aiden." Liam removed his arm from my shoulder, and I followed behind him to the car.

I was silent the whole way back to the hotel, listening to the boys talking about their happy lives and kids. I wanted what they had; I wanted to be with the one I loved. I do not want to see her with someone else.

We arrived at the hotel, and I got out, joining my fans for some pictures, trying to be happy for them. I was never sad, but it felt like my world was tumbling down around me.

I waved goodbye to the boys and headed to my room on the fifth floor. As I walked towards the door, I noticed a man kissing a girl goodbye.

As I got closer, I could make out who it was, but I had to be sure. I walked closer and as their lips left each other's I saw who it was. It was the one and only Chris Bennet doing the kissing, and the girl was not Zenè.

How could he say that he have changed that he would never hurt her? But here he is, kissing someone else? They are not even married yet, and yet here he is, cheating on her?

He pulled the girl closer for another kiss, but she pulled away, giggling like a little school girl. She adjusted her dress and walked away from him, swaying her hips provocatively. He looked after her, stepped into the elevator, and the doors closed up.

I was shocked at what I saw and only moved after the doors of the elevator were closed. I stormed into my room, furious at what I just saw. I was going to kill Chris when I find him. He is playing with my princess's heart and no one, but no one is allowed to do that.

I finished packing up my things and booked myself on the first flight back to Ireland. I promised my mom that I would visit with her for a few days.

She also gives the best advice under the sun. She would know what to do about this, and she would also tell me the right way to approach Zenè.


The plane landed in Ireland, and I took a cab to my mom's house. She didn't live that far from the airport. The cab driver stopped in the driveway, I got out and grabbed my bag that was on the seat next to me.

I walked in through the front door, and the first thing I saw was one of the most beautiful women sitting on the couch. She was stunning; she would always be beautiful to me.

"Hi, Niall." When she spoke, she sounded like an angel.

I was falling in love with her more and more, and I knew it was wrong. She was bound to get married to someone else, and the worst part of it is, he is a cheater. She doesn't need someone like him in her life.

*Stay sweet Xoxo .

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