Cartoons and Lies

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I finished packing up some of Aiden's toys into his weekend bag, Niall was on his way to come and fetch him for the weekend. Chris and I are already dating for two months, but I never once brought up the subject to Niall.

I asked Aiden to keep it quiet because I wanted to tell Niall myself. I always made sure Chris and Niall missed each other. I wasn't ready for them to meet yet.

Niall and I made a promise to each other that we weren't going to bring people into Aiden's life if they were only going to leave again, but I knew that Chris was the one that was here to stay, even if we weren't together for that long.

The fact that he accepted that I had a child, made it even more special. He knew all about Niall, due to the fact that Aiden always reminded him of his dad. Although Chris didn't know who he was, or even that he was in the biggest band in the world.

Chris doesn't listen to music, he says it isn't really his thing. He is not a very creative person, he works for some big company, but I still didn't know what he does for a living. He didn't want to tell me.

Aiden sat on the couch, watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it was one of his favorite cartoons to watch. He liked Michael Angelo the most.

Whenever he watched it, I would always stare at him in amazement, as he pretended to be one of them, copying their moves and pretending to be a ninja.

I was busy in Aiden's room, making his bed when I heard Niall's voice coming from the living room. Aiden probably opened up for him.

I walked into the living room, greeting Niall, giving him a warm smile. I handed him Aiden's bag before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please don't drop me, daddy, the ground is lava and if I touch it, I am going to die." He was on Niall's back hanging on for life and death as he pretended the ground was some deadly object.

"I promise, I won't drop you." He held onto Aiden with his one hand and smiled.

"Niall when you bring Aiden back on Sunday, there is something I would like to discuss with you please." He placed Aiden down on the couch with his bag, giving me a questioning look.

"Can't we talk right now?"

"No, I have some things to do right now, Sunday will be better."

"Now I am getting worried."

"Don't worry, it is not that bad." I smiled at him and picked Aiden up, kissing him all over his face.

I was going to miss him, but luckily it was just for a few days. He was one of the most important people in my life and if I ever lose my son, I would die.

I wanted to move back to the farm to live with my mother, but I knew that it was going to be hard for Niall not to see Aiden, so I decided to stay. I didn't want to go into a custody battle over our son.

Niall and Aiden left and I was all alone. I went to my room, searching for something nice to wear. Chris texted me earlier, telling me he was taking me out to lunch.

I finished up in the bedroom and went into the living room switching off the TV when I heard Chris's car pull up in the driveway. I grabbed my bag from the counter, heading outside. I got into the car and he leaned over, giving me a kiss, making my knees go all weak. Luckily I was already seated.

We arrived at the fancy, posh little restaurant and Chris parked the car close by. We both got out, meeting in front of the car. He wasn't a gentleman like Niall, I had to open my own door. Niall used to do it for me he, still does, whenever we decide to take Aiden to the park.

We stepped inside and a waitress escorted us to our table, giving us a few minutes. She came back to take our order and since it was just lunch, I decided not to order anything fancy.

We enjoyed each other's company immensely, talking about everything, but not once did he ever mention his work. He always says it is useless to talk about his work and the company he works for.

He took my hand in his and smiled at me. I could see that he was nervous and smiled back at him.

"Zenè ... I know we haven't been dating that long but this, right here, feels so right to me." He looked into my eyes and his smile faltered a little.

"This feels right to me to Chris, you have made me the happiest person in the world."

"I know this is sudden, but ...." He got down on one knee, making people stare at us. He pulled out a little black box, revealing a small, yet beautiful and tasteful, diamond ring.

"Zenè, will you mar... will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I wanted to say yes, but first I wanted to tell Niall about Chris.

"It ... I would love to, but I need to tell Aiden's father first." It was hard for me to turn him down, but it had to be done.

"Oh ok, sure, but ... please do it quickly, I want to marry you soon, please." He handed me the black box and I placed it in my bag, hiding it.

* Don't know if I am going to update next week. I lost my brother and it's been really hard for me.

Stay sweet Xoxo .

A New Life, A Sudden Change {N.H} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now