Bradley Cooper

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A letter to the person who gave you your favourite memory.

Dear -insert name here-

The only reason I haven't written your name in this letter is because I have no idea how I'm supposed to be addressing it.

I wish it could say Dear Future Husband but you're old enough to be my father and that'll just be creepy.

So how about Mr. Bradley Cooper?

Nah, sounds too formal.

How about Bradley?

Sounds like we're pals and as much as I hate to say it, we're not.

Maybe Mr. Cooper is the perfect mix of formal and informal.

Dear Mr. Cooper,
I remember that day as if it was yesterday. It's so clear in my head, that day.

As clear as the sky on a sunny day.

That day was just like the rest of my days.

Boring, and sluggish.

My friends usually compare me to a koala bear but I tend to compare myself to a sloth bear.

Because I'm that lazy.

Okay, now on to the point.

It was 21st March 2013 and I'd finally downloaded the movie I'd been wanting to watch for ages.

Silver Linings Playbook.

School was out and I didn't have anything better to do.

So I got a pint of Hägen Dazs out, turned the TV on, put the pen drive in and sat down.

And that was it.

I was permanently done for.

I sat and saw that movie thrice back to back and I think I have seen it at least 1256 times till now.

Okay maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but it is somewhat close to that number.

But nothing will ever compare to the first time I saw that movie.

I used to think that Bradley Cooper can not act and he's just a pretty face but SLP, just changed me into your fan for life.

The first time I saw it, I heard this quote and that has literally become my motto in life.

"You have to do everything you can, you have to work your hardest and if you do, if you stay positive, you have a shot at a Silver Lining."

When I heard those lines, I felt something clench in my stomach. It gave me a feeling of something... something I don't quite know.

Something so deep and so foreign that I haven't - even after all these years - been able to truly understand what it is.

The way that movie makes me feel, the way Patrick Soltano Jr. makes me feel, the way you make me feel is something so special and something so unusual that I know, no one will ever be able to make me feel that way.

The best and the most perfect moments of my usually, unusually turbulent life has definitely been all the times I have watched that movie.

And time after time, I keep going back to it.

In my head that is.

I remember that movie reel by reel, scene by scene.

There is not one thing I don't know about that movie.

You may think if I'm so much in love with this movie, why isn't this letter also addressed to Jennifer Lawrence or David O Russell or Robert De Niro?

Well, that's because Patrick is my favourite character.

The way he's misunderstood, the way he's insecure, the way he only wants to get Nicki back is what makes him so much like any other ordinary man.

Usually movies turn out to be highly entertaining yet dishearteningly unreal but this is one movie that just completely real and common in the way that it can happen to anyone, you know?

The meltdown, the identity crisis, the self discovery, the reconciliation with one's inner self, the falling in love with the wrong person only to realise that the weirdest person alive is the right one.

That's all so true.

I know I'm not Pat or Tiffany or Danny or Ronnie or Veronica and I'm just plain old me but sometimes, when I see how messed up they all are, I realise that it's okay to be messed up.

And that moment when I saw Pat and Tiffany kiss for the very first time, I realised that I'm fine with who I am.

I mean I do still want to be a better person but I'm honestly okay with being completely and totally and utterly messed up.

That moment, was like a eureka moment and I felt like Archimedes.

That moment is also my most favourite memory yet.

Sometimes I can almost feel it.

Feel my heartbeat race as my ears hear those words for the first time.

So thank you for that.

Thank for giving me the happiest memory of my life.

Sorry for the weird start to this letter.

I'm not some creepy stalker though I am a creepy fangirl.


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