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A letter about your memories

Dear Lyds (lydsplaygames )

Bradley Cooper gave me my favourite memory which was every single moment of my life I spent watching Silver Linings Playbook.

Then why is this letter addressed to you?

Well because those moments are ones which are kind of unreal, you know? Bradley Cooper will never know who I am and he'll never know the profound effect he's had on my life.

So this letter is for the person who's given me almost all of my happy memories.

Do you remember the first time we Skyped?

God! Was that crazy or what?

I remember we'd planned to talk on the phone and for some idiotic reason that didn't work out. So, we'd spontaneously decided to Skype?

My ratty, bird's nesty hair and my dirty glasses were pretty evident on the screen. When you'd told me you're shy, you were so not kidding because for the 30 or so minutes we'd talked, you were silent. I mean, not really silent because you'd mumble monosyllabic answers but you were silent as compared to me.

I was rambling like a person who was given permission to speak for the first time in her life.

I kept saying, "Am I talking too much?" or "Am I making this awkward?"

But you know what was the best thing that came out of that day?

I got to see you smile and I got to be the person who made you smile.

And that moment when you first smiled at me is etched on my mind and in my heart like a permanent tattoo I never want to get rid of.

Is it weird that I remember the date of that day too?

24th January 2015.

Sorry. That's kinda creepy.

It was so many months ago. Seems almost a lifetime ago to me. Does it feel the same way to you too? It seems so long ago because back then our relationship wasn't as fucked up as it is today. It is in my opinion. I know you don't share my point of view on this.

Do you remember when we'd played that game where you listed your favourite movies and shows and songs and I'd tell you if I liked them or not.

We'd gotten into a fight because you didn't like Grey's Anatomy and I didn't like Twilight because seriously Twilight?

You'd totally dissed Amy Adams who happens to be one of my favourite actresses and I'd screamed bloody murder.

Oh and do you remember 4th February 2015?

You gave me this beautiful picture of what I hoped was going to be me and you in the future with a heartbreaking poem written across it.

I still have that, you know? I look at it every other day, just to remind myself that we were real and not just a figment of my overactive imagination.

I'd sang this pitchy medley of love songs to you and I still remember the look on your face. It was one of complete shock because I know you didn't expect me to do that but you had a small smile on your face.

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