Chapter 37

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AN: Happy Halloween guys! A massive thanks to all of you, can't believe OTRA tour is finished. I've never even had the chance to attend one single One Direction Concert.

So sad :(

But still, I hope you enjoy, all the love



"Baby, can't you really come tonight?" Harry asked, his eyes trailed on the road as he maneuvered his range rover, a sliver of hope lacing his question.

Selena sighed, locking her phone before giving out her reply "I'm really sorry Harry but we have a long test tomorrow. I need to study tonight."

"But you've been studying since yesterday babe" Harry said pouting, causing Selena to laugh as she weaved a hand through her tresses.

"Because I don't want to fail"

"I know you won't. So you 'gonna come? He asked again, purposefully ignoring her previous statement.

"Harry" Selena answered in a scolding tone.

"Fine, was just trying. Grumpy woman" Harry said with a tone of a six-year old on a tantrum fit, making Selena erupt into a fit of laughter. Tonight was the scheduled release of the band's fifth album Made in the A.M.; Harry persistent on having his girlfriend come as his date, only to have her decline every time he tries to invite her. Truth be told, even if there was no exam scheduled, Selena knew she would have come up with another excuse, extremely uneasy on the thought of attending red carpet events with him. She knew she would have to get used to it somehow, since she won't be able to ditch him all the time, possibly running out of reasons and be completely engulfed in guilt for attempting to do so.

"Just please promise me you'll come with me next time" Harry pleaded.

Selena sighed, contemplating her answer before finally giving in, the thought of the next event to occur probably ages away somehow comforting her and prompting her to give her reply. "Promise"

"Good, because the Billboard awards are on February 1" Harry cheekily said, breaking out in a grin.

"What?!" Selena exclaimed.

"Oi, you promised and that's my birthday so clearly no backing out"

Selena mentally cursed upon realizing Harry's statement "You did that on purpose!"

"What? My birthday? Not really love, but you can ask my parents about it" Harry replied, chuckling as Selena punched his arm.

"Idiot! You made me promise first only to tell me there's one already scheduled in three weeks and not to mention your birthday"

"Why? Did you plan on bailing?" Harry asked, his tone was teasing and playful but turned to curiosity when Selena didn't answer "Babe?" he asked, finally glancing at her only to be met with a guilty look plastered on her abashed face.

"Wait you were actually considering on bailing?" Harry asked dumbfounded as he put his car to park, finally arriving at her school; turning his body to face her fully.

"Err, sorry" Selena said, scratching the back of her head. "Please don't be mad"

Harry sighed; true he did feel the small stirrings of irritation creep up on him but one of the most baffling things he found about his relationship with this girl was the amount of power she holds on him, even without fully trying - his annoyance going down the drain in a heartbeat with just a glimpse of her apologetic expression. "As much as I try, I could never truly get mad at you. I think you should know that by now"

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Where stories live. Discover now