Chapter 16

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Enjoy! :)

Selena turned in Harry's arms, her heart and mind unable to process two things that she had labeled impossible for God knows how long yet managed to transpire in the last 5 minutes: One, setting foot in Paris and two, the one she considered more important, being in Harry's embrace. Yet here she was, standing atop the Paris Issy heliport gazing up at the emerald orbs staring back at her as she was tangled in his limbs.

"Harry are you really serious about this?" Selena asked quietly, her voice trembling, from the overwhelming excitement

"We're here aren't we?" Harry asked, playfully

"Yeah but, don't you think it's too much?" Selena asked, a bit hesitant, though the elation was pretty much obvious in her eyes.

Harry lifted one of his hands and tucked a strand of hair behind her right ear, an action that he'd been pretty much wanting to do for quite some time "Is there anything 'too much' if you like someone?"

Selena bit her lip in deep contemplation, trying to think of ideas that she could come up with just to put a smile on the crooner's face and she found out the list was endless "I guess, that would be a no" she said smiling.

"Then I guess we should head to dinner, yeah?" Harry asked, smiling as well.


The pair headed to the ground floor where a chauffeur was already waiting for them at the main entrance to drive them to their destination.

"So if I ask where we'll be heading, will you tell me now?" Selena asked once the car began to move, still not being able to get over her amazement once she found out that Harry can speak French fluently after giving instructions to the driver.

"No" he answered cheekily, soliciting a cute pout from the woman beside him, thus making him laugh in return.

"Fine" she huffed sarcastically, but the way her hand squeezed his and her eyes to twinkle in excitement upon taking in their surroundings; Harry knew keeping the surprise was worth it, so for added effect that he doubtlessly knew would elicit an adorable reaction, he decided to untangle their hands for a moment and remove the bandana tied around his neck.

"Hey" Selena protested attempting to swat Harry's hands away as a cloth was suddenly being placed around her head, covering her eyes. When all she got in reply was a chuckle, she continued "Harry is this really necessary?" she asked, finally comprehending all attempts of beating him was futile.

"To keep the surprise, yes"

"You've managed to surprise me two times with my eyes wide open" she groaned.

"True, but I like seeing your reactions"

"You're making fun of me, besides you'll ruin my makeup"

"I'm not and no I won't but even if so, I don't doubt you'll still be beautiful"

"Shut up" Selena answered blushing to which Harry only laughed, knowing that he had already won the argument.


"Harry I look stupid" Selena huffed as she took small steps.

"No love, you don't"

"But I might trip" Selena protested.

"You know I won't let that happen"

"But -"

"Don't you trust me, love?" Harry asked, feigning hurt.

"I think you already know the answer to that" Selena groaned, knowing again that she lost to him, making him chuckle. Her trust for him was true and profound, not just for saving her ass countless of times but for indeed keeping his word of effectively guiding her and not letting her fall flat on her face. But with Harry's frisky nature, it was to be expected that he won't let it slide so easily for her part as he playfully offered to carry her first; which of course earned him creative profanities from the brunette knowing she'll much be easily flashing him a good view of her underwear if she was to accept; earning a hearty laugh from the lad.

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