Chapter 18

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AN: Quite a long chapter here, I hope you guys don't get bored. I know I always say this, but still thank you, thank you, thank you! :) I love you all!

Selena pursed her lips as she scanned an outfit, deep in contemplation whether she should shell out some of her savings for it. She wasn't an impulsive buyer and just bought something if needed be but considering that it has been quite a while since she treated herself to a day out, it wasn't very hard for the four girls to convince her to go shopping with them; especially since the girls were really fun company.

"I like that, you should get it" Perrie said eyeing the dress that Selena was holding.

"Yeah I like it too, I'm sure it'll look great on you when we go clubbing" Sophia added

"Whoa, we're gonna go clubbing? When?" Selena asked, a combination of reluctance and excitement reflecting on her tone.

"No specific date yet, but that is a certainty you can look forward to" Eleanor said this time with a wink as she appeared with Zoey, a dozen dresses each slung on their arms – fascinating Selena with the strength of their limbs.

"You guys know that Zoey and me are just 19 right?"

"Of course, so?" Perrie asked

"We're not yet of legal age to go clubbing" Selena explained, inwardly berating herself for sounding so uptight, but in reality was holding a mental image of herself with her fingers crossed, hoping that the girls would provide a panacea to her woes.

"Easy girl, we know people who know people who know people" Eleanor said

"O-kay" Selena replied arching an eyebrow

"Simply put, we can pull some strings" Sophia said winking

"Sweet" Selena and Zoey replied in unison

"Speaking of clubbing, you will be buying that right" Zoey said more of a demand than a question

"Well I think it's really pretty, so I guess" Selena replied with a shrug of her shoulders

"Don't guess, just do. Besides, from the dress alone it will pretty much look like Haz is going to have a hard time taking his eyes off of you in that"

"El, that's pretty much obvious since Haz already has a hard time prying his eyes off her" Perrie said with a roll of her eyes

"Point taken" Eleanor replied

"So, dressing rooms?" Selena asked, unable to hide the smile stretching on her face and all it took was the girls marching towards the adjacent booths as confirmation


The girls were on the counter paying for their purchases when Selena's phone started to ring. Hesitance gripped her as she stared on the screen, dumbfounded. Biting her lip, she risked a glance at her best friend who was thankfully occupied to take a notice of her. Her forethought was hinting at her to ignore the call, but having been raised by her mom to always be polite, all Selena could do was sigh as her subconscious made a decision for her.

"Uhm, Perrie I just really need to take this call"

"Sure no problem hun I'll let them know"

"Thanks" Selena muttered as she put a considerable distance between her and the girls then answered the phone once sure that she was out of earshot.


"Hello Selena, how are you?"

"I'm doing good actually, you?"

"Quite fine, thank you. I know this is a bit sudden but I was just wondering if you're free to meet today?"

Selena's gut clenched as she contemplated her answer, not wanting to disappoint the older woman who has somehow also become a mother to her but not to the point of putting herself at odds "To be quite honest, I'm not really sure if that is a good idea" Selena answered truthfully, rubbing her temples.

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