Chapter 3

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Harry's hands were on his bent thighs as he crouched down, panting. He could feel his heart belligerently hammering against his ribcage while beads of sweat dropped from his forehead. It was to be expected though, as he ran about 30 laps in just an hour and the park is quite big. Originally his plan was just to jog around the area to help ease his muddled thoughts. But with his raging mood maybe it was quite inevitable that he ended going on a full out run, like the devil itself was on his heels.

Harry was known by the band and the people closest to them that he was the scariest one when mad. It was a trait that he wasn't proud of but knew to be true. When something gets him infuriated in public he always tends to just clench his jaw and ball his fists, trying his hardest to maintain his composure or some semblance of it since the last thing he would want is the media going on a frenzy on how Harry Styles lost his cool. But when Harry's fists collide with the punching bag or his feet get acquainted with his running gear then all hell breaks loose, it is after all the only things that prevent him from verbally lashing out at the first person that talks to him. The 21 year old truly tries not to be a violent person whatever the circumstances, but still, him being angry is never a pleasing sight.

Harry sighed, straightening up, seemingly calmed down from his bout. Deciding he has had enough of workout for the day, he proceeded to do some lunges and stretches before finally calling it a day.


Selena sighed, the 19 year old student considered herself fit since she does some workout regularly, but after standing for a straight 10-hour work period, her legs felt like they were made of lead and it was just her luck that the bus stop is located three blocks away from her workplace. Needless to say she had to walk, even if her knees felt like they were about to give way soon and just about when she was considering sleeping on the streets already she caught sight of the park where her stop was situated.

But of course, life was never easy for her since the bus comes on an exact hourly basis and glancing at her watch it read 11:10 which means she had missed it by 10 minutes and would have to wait for another 50 just so she could get home, typical.

Selena glanced around and saw the familiar sandwich stand in front of the park and inwardly smiled, well what better way to pass time than to eat right? Plus they sell superb Paninis and it means she won't have to cook dinner anymore. It turns out she might still be lucky after all. Selena began making her way towards the stall glancing a bit at the few people passing by but immediately stopped dead in her tracks when her eyes landed on a man a few feet away from her destination. Clad in a thin white sleeveless shirt, grey trousers and running shoes was the one and only Harry Styles. His head was lowered as he did some lunges, so part of his face was yet to be seen but who could miss out those tattoos and the curly hair that was currently done in a bun. Not to mention, he is perhaps the only one on this planet that would look that good, no scratch that - delicious - while working out. Harry then made a move to stand but his back was turned towards her as he proceeded to do some stretches.

The brunette let out a breath, the last thing she would want right now was for her to be caught stalking him. But as she trailed her eyes on him once more, she felt her mouth drop. She had a perfect view of the hard contours of his back and damn what a view! She could even make out the ripples of his muscles every time he flexed. She could feel her face flush as she ogled him.

"Maybe then I'll call it fate"

A small frown suddenly etched onto her features as she remembered the statement she uttered to her best friend a while ago as they discussed the probability of them meeting again. Well it wasn't like they were going to talk and he might not even recognize her, right? So, case closed.

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