Chapter 12

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Early update because I was feeling inspired by you guys. Hope you love it! :)


Louis had paced and haphazardly threw things around his room for the umpteenth time, but there was still no sign of his Godforsaken charger. Giving up, the lad plopped down on his bed as he took in his room that now resembled a dumpster. His Iphone was almost depleted of power and it seems that he might have forgotten his charger at the studio.

Maybe I should just borrow Harry's

At the thought of his green eyed mate, Louis' eyebrows furrowed a bit as he glanced at the clock on his bedside table. It was already past 9 and it seems he was still snoozing. Harry rarely overslept especially since it seemed that the lad had gotten under the covers quite early the prior evening as he was already asleep when Louis arrived, which was about 11pm. Shrugging his shoulders, the blue eyed boy got up and started making his way towards Harry's room to get the charger, since borrowing and sharing things before asking permission was never an issue between the two boys.

Louis opened Harry's bedroom door as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake up his mate. He was intent on focusing on his sole task and come out as quickly as he came, but when his eyes inevitably landed on the sleeping figure; Louis found himself rooted on the spot with his jaw hanging open.

Harry was sleeping comfortably, yes. But his left arm was wrapped around a shoulder; said shoulder was attached to a head of a Sleeping Selena that was lying down on Harry's chest. Her left arm was draped across Harry's middle, her hand curled on his right waist, while her bare left leg - which Louis had to pry his eyes from -  was bent and resting on top of both of his and to top it off, Harry's right hand was placed just below Selena's hip and quite dangerously close to her ass. Checking his phone, a smirk formed on his lips as he saw that he still had enough battery to take a picture.


Sleep was slowly edging out of Harry's system, but the lad still refused to open his eyes, intent on prolonging the serene mood his mind and body were currently basked in. The lad had never felt this well rested before and he could only thank whatever source had brought it upon him as he snuggled further into the pillow he was holding. Speaking of the pillow however, no matter how comforting it was, Harry could tell that there was something off about it. Like the way it was draped all over him and the way it had curves, especially two soft mounds that were pushing onto his sides, not to mention it was quite warm as well. But before Harry could further decipher the mystery of his pillow, he sensed some sort of white light flash through his eyelids followed by the unmistakable click of a camera. Deciding to open his eyes, he was beat to it by a deafening scream that came too painfully close from his ear, making him shoot up from the bed and open his eyes to determine the source, while rubbing his temples with a groan.

"Are you alright love?" Harry asked as he took in the sight of a horrified Selena who was standing by the side of the bed, as events from the previous night came to him, thus giving him a specific idea about the soft mounds he was thinking of.

"" Selena stammered, her cheeks close to purple already.

"Were cuddling" A voice from the door finished, making the two turn their attention towards the owner.

"Louis" Harry said rolling his eyes "Whatever do you need?"

"I need to borrow your charger, mate"

"It's in the cabinet, lost yours' again?"

"I think I left it at the studio, had a rough night eh?" Louis asked as he went to get the desired item

"You bet" Harry said chuckling, awaiting the outburst that would most likely come from Selena, and as if on cue, she speaks.

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Where stories live. Discover now