Chapter Seventeen: You Won't Be Seventeen Forever

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You were young, and so am I and this is wrong, but who am I to judge? I feel like heaven when we touchI guess, for me this is enough. We're one mistake for being together let's not ask why it's not right you won't be seventeen forever and we can get away with this tonight- Seventeen Forever

I didn't know that I cried myself to sleep after the small altercation with my brother. I woke up with a semi dry and sticky face from the tears and puffy eyes. I sat up from my spot on the floor and took a look around my destroyed room. I sighed at the look of things and got up from the floor stepping over some broken glass and sitting on my bed.  

As I thought about what I had done I grabbed hold of my phone and to check the time. 8:45 p.m was the time and I was shocked I slept for eight and a half hours. I noticed that I had 3 texts and 2 miss calls from Liam and I forgot I told him I'd call. I looked at all the messages and smiled to myself.


Hey are u alright? 

4:00 p.m


Just checking up on ya you haven't returned any of my calls. 

6:20 p.m


I don't wanna sound all weird but I'm worried about u. Give me a call when u can. 

7:45 p.m

I smiled at the fact that he was so worried about me. I enjoyed that someone at least cared to see if I was alright. I shook all thoughts from my head and gave Liam a call.

"Hello?" his voice was deeper and kind of grudgey due to the fact he was probably sleeping already.

"Hey I just wanted to let you know I was alive" I said laying back on my bed.

"Good what happened? How come you're getting back to me so late?" He asked. his voice was more clear this time around but I could still hear how sleepy he was.

"I kind of got into a small altercation with Chase and I ended up falling asleep" I told him looking at the ceiling. My eyes started to see small black and reddish circles, the ones that you see when you press on your eyes for too long.

"Alright well are you okay?" He asked with a hint of concern in his tone.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied and we both fell silent. I began to fidget with the bottom hem of my shirt and bite on my lip as I got nervous that he knew I was lying and he was now upset.

"Okay" was all he said and I instantly started to feel bad. He has only been my offical boyfriend for a few hours and I was already lying to him. "Hey uh... can you do me a favor?" I asked suddenly.

"Of course" He said making me silently giggle with the way he pronounced course.

"Can you bring me a strawberry watermelon berry blast shake from Joey Lu's?" I asked quickly.

"Seriously?" he asked chuckling and smiled. "Yeah, please" I pled for a good minute before he caved.

"Okay okay I'll be there shortly " He said and I sat up with excitement. We didn't say goodbye or anything I just heard the click on the other end of the line so I hung too. I thought for a moment if I should clean my room or not and when saw more broken glass on the floor I went for cleaning it.

I started with all the glass first sweeping it all up in one pile and then dumping it into my bathroom trash. Next was all the books, pencils, and pens I knocked off my desk. I put them all back and as I started picking up the things from my dresser the doorbell rang. I nearly ran down the steps to get thr door but I was too late Chase had already opened it.

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