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It was thanksgiving weekend, November 28th a Saturday to be exact. Lira started cooking thanksgiving food on Thanksgiving's day, which was Thursday. The family dinner wouldn't be until today, Saturday her and his family would be here around 6:30 PM.

It was about 1:15 PM and almost time for the thanksgiving lunch she'd be having with her and Toni's friends. This is a traditional they would start, something just for friends.

Lira had Toni's outside dining area all dressed up in white and gold. She had white mini pumpkins, golden leaves along with turkeys, and her white and gold table wear. Lunch would be light today, she had everything from; turkey sandwiches, pumpkin lattes, sweet potato fries, and pecan pie.

After getting all of the food ready, she sat the dishes in the middle of the table with tops covering them so nothing wouldn't get in her food. Storm would be joining them for lunch and dinner today, she truly wants her sister to be involved in everything.

Micky came running down the stairs, he just woken up from his nap. Lately, he's been with his father more since his mother's cancer is taking a toll on her or at least that's what she said. Lira still has yet to meet massey, she doesn't know anything about her or how she even looks.

Micky heard the doorbell ring and informed lira.

"Lira, someone is at the door."Micky said tugging at my pants, I nod before heading to the door to get it. Yes, he calls me by my first name. I didn't want to pressure him into calling me anything, he didn't want to call me. I don't know but this might have to change soon, he's gonna be around my child and I surely don't want them calling me by my first name.

So, lately I've been looking for alternative names for mom. I'm hoping to find a name that he'll be okay saying and it wouldn't be weird to him, more like natural to say it.

Answering the door, everyone arrived at the same time. I informed them on where we would be eating, they went ahead and headed out to the backyard.

"Micky, can you go get your dad?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I'll be right back."Micky said doing as he was told, he heads upstairs and goes to his daddy's room. Opening the door, he sees his daddy lighting up this circle and tall shape thing. He didn't know what it was but it exhaled smoke into his mouth, looks cool to micky.

"Daddy, can I try?"Micky asked looking amazed by what his father was doing, toni jumped noticing micky was in the room. He quickly put his bong away in his bathroom, he brushed his teeth before heading back out.

"No, micky. Promise me when you get older you'll never smoke, take pills, or anything? Pinky promise?"Toni asked picking micky up and heading on downstairs, micky was confused.

Why couldn't he do it, his daddy was doing it?

"Why daddy you're doing it?"

"Yeah, you're right but I shouldn't be doing it. Pinky promise though?"Toni says holding out his pinky promise, micky caught onto his dad's pinky with his pinky making a promise.

"Okay, let's go eat."Toni says before heading outside, sitting micky down side him. They were ready to eat now, but it was time for everyone to say what they are thankful for.

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