Fame Is Like Family Part 45

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Hey guys! Sorry about not updating because I was at camp. I did have A LOT of fun (mostly because of these hot guys). But I got some bad news for me when I got home.

Madison looked on the side of the box to find a return address. She quickly called a Taxi to take her to the return address.

Madison nervously got into the Taxi trying to come up with a plan. She was really more nervous than she thought she was.

"Are you running away?" the Taxi Driver asked while looking at Madison through the mirror.

"No just going to see my brother," she quietly said deep in thought.

The Taxi Driver looked back at Madison about every five minutes. He had many weird call for his Taxi services but this was one of his weirdest.

The girl in the back seat was probably in her early teens and looked really familiar. Plus this was one of the longest trip someone had ever asked him to drive.

He thought super hard about this. He didn't know many teenagers since his oldest daughter was only seven. Then it hit him; this was that friend of Justin Bieber that his daughter always talked about.

Madison had figured out a plan; she was gonna spy on Ryan. Then she was gonna confront maybe even with Justin's and Chaz's help. She smiled at the the idea of her plan. She was finally gonna get her brother back.

"Hey miss?" the Taxi driver asked

"Yes sir," she responded hoping the driver had not become more curious about her behavior.

"Would it be okay if I asked you a question?" he asked

"Sure," Madison said kinda hoping she wouldn't regret saying that.

"Are you Madison Butler," the driver asked.

"Yes sir. I am," she said proudly.

"Oh my daughter adores you so much. You are her biggest role model," the driver said cheerfully.

"Really!" she asked shocked but excited. She never thought she would a little girl's biggest role model. She thought everyone of her fans were just there because she was Ryan Butler little sister.

"Yes all she does is talk about how much she would love to meet you. I thought it was weird because she doesn't like Justin Bieber just you. She has watched every YouTube video you have ever been in. She was so upset when you left Justin's tour and stopped posting videos," he said.

This made Madison smile even more. That little girl had just made her whole ode way better.

"Well I tell you what if you give your address or phone number. I'll come try to visit her when I come back in town," she said.

"Would you really? That would make her so happy!" he said with tears in his eyes.

Madison soon arrived at the house Ryan was living and soon left.

She had hopped back into the Taxi holding back her tears.

She knew what she had to do. If Justin ever figured out what just. It would be bad, very bad.

(One week later)

Justin was back in Stratford once again. He went back to his usual schedule; hanging out with friends and trying to find Madison.

The problem was she was no where to be found.

He was hanging out with just watching South Park. When he finally got the nerve to ask him.

"Hey Chaz," Justin said.

"Yeah," Chaz mumbled while his eyes where still glued to the TV; typically Chaz.

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