Fame is Like Family Part 10

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Madison walked over to Sarah's to hang out. She comes home to find out Justin had gone away and Ryan was going to go vist him in a week for spring break. So there went her perfect month.

A week later...

Madison's mother decided that since she had been working a lot she was going to have a girl's day out with her daughter.

In Madison's opinion that would only be fun if was like five. Oh, how she envied Ryan at that moment as her mother forced her to go shopping. Her mother had a great talent and it was finding the ugliest, most tacky clothes she had ever seen and forced Madison to try it on. Luckily Alex had invited her and Sarah on a free trip to Florida. She wouldn't wait to go. Alex had become a pretty good friend.

The trip to Florida was AWESOME they went to Disney-world, and to the Harry Potter village at Universal. She thought she had more fun then Ryan because she wasn't being followed by a million screaming girls. Of course when she was at Universal there was a crowd of screaming girls chasing a boy but she couldn't see who he was. At first she thought it Justin but he had just been on a live talk show that morning in New York so that was impossible. But from the glimpse she saw he should did look like him. It was very odd. She shook it off because neither Sarah nor Alex noticed. It must have just been her going crazy. Maybe she was getting Bieber fever ;).


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<3 Jodie

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