Chapter 17 Welcome home gathering

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Lisa's POV


1 week later

Its been a whole week since sophia woke up and I can't stop thinking about the girls who did this to her, she said she had seen them before and I think I know what's going on. Sophia doesn't like to talk about what happened...or anything to do with the girls for that matter, she will always change the subject or come up with an excuse to stop talking about it. In my head it seems pretty clear what's been happening, but I better not jump to conclusions without asking her what's really going on.

We were on our way to Sophia's house as she was being let home today but on strict rules that she has to rest, so we decided that we would all go to here's to see her. She must be in a lot of pain I mean like she's lucky to come away with no brain damage considering her skull was fractured!

Once we got to their house we had to try and find the spare key that they hid in the front garden. Diane told us where it was but none of us can remember where she said haha! Joey was the one to finally find it after looking through the plants. We let ourselves in and were shortly joined by her grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins. They all kind of looked at us blankly and confused as to who we were but I can't really blame them! None of them probably know who we are.

I was sat on on the sofa between Lauren and amy when a little girl came over and grabbed hold of my leg. She looked about 2 or 3 and had thick, light brown hair "I Mia" she said smiling. She was adorable! "Hi Mia!" I said leaning forward "who's that on your shirt?" I asked playfully poking her stomach. "Minnie" she replied looking down at her shirt, pointing to the mouse printed on it. She raised her arms to be picked up, so I did before sitting her on my lap.

Not long after sophia came through the front door with Diane, John and Connor. Everyone greeted them, welcoming her home, it was sweet! 


A/N: sorry this is a really short chapter, it was like 3 AM when I wrote this and was exhausted! 

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