Chapter 14 She's in a coma

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Lauren's POV


"Miss Henderson is in a pretty bad state." The doctor began. "It seems that she has 3 broken ribs and a fractured skull" she has a fractured skull! How am I supposed to stay strong for everyone now knowing that her skull is fractured!!! "Is she stable?" Christiana said whilst the tears ran down her cheeks, "I'm sorry but it's too soon to be able to tell" he replied looking down at his clip board. "Will she make it through?" I blurted out, trying to hold back the tears that filled my eyes. "Like I said it's too soon to tell." Too soon to tell the words rang around my head, my little sister might not make it through! Emotions flooded my insides. "Can...can we see her?" Dani asked in between her sniffles, "ahh yes umm that's the other thing... You see Miss Henderson slipped into a coma due to her injuries. We can't tell how long exactly she should be in it for but due to the circumstances it shouldn't be too long however it does depends on how strong sophia is." My heart sunk even more than it already had. Why my baby sister? I feel empty and like everything has just crashed down around me. "Only one in the room until I say otherwise" the doctor added before walking away.

I looked to see all my sisters faces, they were all shocked, heartbroken and like they had just had their hearts ripped out. To be honest it felt like it had been. It remained quite.

"So umm, who want to see her first?" Christina asked in a weak voice. "I will!" I jumped in before anyone else could. I opened the door to her hospital room and their she was, laying their so pale and lifeless. Her head had sunk into the huge white pillow that was propped under her, she had a cannula in one hand and tubes everywhere. Seeing her this lifeless felt so surreal, since we found her again she had always been so full of life and seemed so happy and now it's like someone has sucked all the life out of her. I walked over to the chair and dragging it as close to the bed as possible before sitting down in it. I took hold of one of her hands. It was so cold and weak. I sat back in my chair, still holding her limp hand, as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm sorry Soph" I started. "I'm sorry I've tried to be strong since we got here, but I just can't anymore!" I let the tears now fall. "Please be okay soph. I need you, our sisters need you, our brothers need you, we ALL need you Soph!" I leant forward again onto her bed. "I should have been there... I should have been there to protect you from them. What kind of older sister am I!?!" I bawled me eyes out. "I can't loose you, we only just found you and honestly you have taught me so much over the past few days, I don't think you even realise. You mean so much to us all, just please don't leave me" I stopped to take a breathe. I wiped away a few tears trying to pull myself together before I started again. "If you can hear me, please try to keep fighting and stay strong. Please! We all really need you. It would kill us if we lost you again. Please keep strong! Please!" A tear fell.

Katherine's POV


Lauren had been in the room for ages so I went to go and check on her. I slowly opened to the door in hope I wouldn't startle her. as I entered Lauren was sat there crying whilst holding Sophia's hand. "If you can hear me please try to keep fighting and stay strong. Please! We all really need you and it would kill us if we lost you again. Please keep strong! Please!" She begged through her tears. I've never seen her this upset before, it broke my heart.

"Lauren?" I said. Her tear stained face quickly turned to look at me, I walked towards her before engulfing her into a huge hug. "what if she doesn't make it?!?!" She bawled into my chest, the tears ran down my cheeks again. "How are we going to cope Kath?!?!" I stoked her hair smoothly, trying to calm her shaking body. "Sh,sh,shhh...she will. She's strong and a fighter...she's a Cimorelli remember" I reassuringly told her kissing her head.

As we walked out of the hospital room the doors to the hospital ward swung open and mum, dad, John (Sophia's adopted dad) and Diane (Sophia's adopted mum) ran through. I guess they finally got my 5000 calls and 3000 messages.

"what's happened?!" Mum said as she was panicking. "It's Soph...she, she got beaten up and they br-broke her ribs and fractured her sk-skull, she's in a coma" Amy stuttered.


A/N: sorry it's taken so long to update but here it is! :)

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