Chapter 8 London day trip

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Sophia's POV


I sat bolt upright in bed as I heard my phone ringing. I turned around to see what time it was, "ugghh 7:03, why the heck is anyone calling me?!?!" I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone and saw 'unknown number' I answered it to see who it was. 

"Hey Soph!" A voice said 

"Umm hey! Err who is this?" I asked a little confused as to how they knew my name.

"Oh it's Lauren!" She laughed

"Ohhh Lauren! I was so confused I thought that you were like some stalker!" I laughed at what just happened.

"But seriously...WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING CALLING ME AT 7 AM?!?!" I asked jokingly

"We're going up to London today and we're wondering if you wanted to come? It would be awesome getting to spend a bit more time with you" lauren asked

"Yeah that sounds cool I will ask my mum and then call you back"

"Okay cool"


"Bye!" I replied as I ended the call.

I quickly added lauren to my contacts before walking over to my dresser and brushing my knotty hair. I walked out of my room and next door in to my parent's, they were both sat there watching TV. "Hey mum and dad, is it okay if I go to London with the Cimorelli's today?" I asked with a sweet tone. "Um... what time will you be back?" My dad asked, "I'm not sure yet." They both looked at each other before my mum turned to me and said "yeah okay but make sure you take you phone and keys!" "Thank you!" I replied walking over and hugging them both. I ran back into my room before picking up my phone and texting lauren,

"My parents say it's fine x"

"Yay!! :) okay we will pick you up on the way to the train station in about 45 minutes x" 

"Okay x" 

 I put my phone back on my dresser before getting dressed, doing my make up and brushing my teeth. 

When I walked out of the bathroom I noticed Connor sat on the top step of the stairs. "your going out with the Cimorelli's aren't you?" He asked. "Ehhh.. Yes but this doesn't mean I'm going back to California with them!" I replied "it's fine" he said. "But, I wo-" he cut me off "I said it fine...honestly! Go and have some fun!" "Thank you!" I pulled him in for a hug. 

I went back into my room, grabbed my phone and my purse before making my way back down stairs. I heard a car horn from outside, I quickly put everything in my bag before slipping on my converse and locking the front door after myself. When I got into the mini van I was greeted by everyone and was sat in between Lisa and katherine. "Hey Soph do you know the way to the train station? I nearly got lost trying to get here to pick you up!" Mike sr. confessed from the drivers seat. I laughed to myself before Amy turned around and said "he's not joking, we seriously drove around the same block like 5 times!" She laughed. "Um yeah I know the way but there's a slight problem... I can't drive" I called from the back of the mini van. "Uhh... right, okay just tell me when to take a left or right" he replied "okay then!" Mike started the engine and we drove to the train station. 

The car park was packed so we ended up parking like 10 minutes away and walking up. We brought the tickets and made our way to the correct platform, the train was due in about 8 minutes so we all just stood there.

The train finally arrived and everyone piled on, as their was 14 of us we took up 2 of the 4 seat things and 3 or the 2 seats. I sat down by the window before putting in my earphones. I was shortly followed by Dani sitting down next to me "hey Dan, you alright?" I askedas I pulled out one of my earphones leaving the other in, "yeah I'm good you?" She replied "yeah I'm good thanks." "So what you listening to?" She asked, "oh All Time Low, you wanna listen?" "OMG YESS!! I love all time low!" She said getting excited as I passed her the earphone tha I pull out. We spent the whole journey fan girling over them and then before we new it we were pulling into the station, listening to the really annoying voice over saying "we are now approaching London Victoria, please mind the gap between the train and the platform" 

We all got through the ticket gate and just stood in the middle of the train station looking kinda lost. "Um dad which way now?" Christian said "umm... I'm not sure" Mike answered. All eyes now turned to face me, "errr...I think it's that way, but I'm not sure, I don't come to London that often" I said pointing toward the toilet area. We all wonderd over that way and luckily for me it was the right way. When we got to the other side of the street christina pulled out a map. "Right I think the busses that do the tours around London leave from over there ever 20 minutes" she said pointing to the buss stop at the other end of the road.


A/N: I'm so sorry it took me so long to upload this chapter 😬 I will make it up to you I promise!! Thank you so much for over 700 views you guys are blowin my mind 💖 please keep doing what you doing because U guys are awesome!!

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